High School Math Requirements for VT Engineering

Can anyone share some personal experience with what VA Tech is looking for from Engineering applicants in terms of HS math coursework?

The official word from the College of Engineering website is that they expect four years of HS math. Recently, several people have told me admission reps reviewing applications from northern VA high schools are looking for kids who completed Calc BC by junior year and also have Physics C with As in both classes. This seems kind of extreme for a school with an average math SAT under 700 for engineering students. Thoughts?

If my junior S decides on engineering, VA Tech is the obvious in-state option. But he’s taking BC Calc next year and was not necessarily planning to take Physics C (he has AP Physics I this year and might take AP Chem). He should have a weighted GPA of about 4.0 after this year and has a 1480 SAT (780M) on the first try.

We’re looking OOS too, but it would be nice to have an in-state option that is a match for his stats. VA Tech accepted 133 kids from his school last year, but I don’t have any way of knowing how many were in engineering.

I think of what would make a student stand out more… a student that can handle the tougher load and get good grades will always look better I imagine. however, that doesn’t make it required necessarily.