High School Senior Schedule Help

<p>I am a High School senior and my counselor informed me due to scheduling conflicts she couldn't fit me into either of the two science classes offered to seniors that I am eligible to take (AP Chem or Honors Anatomy and Physiology). Last year I doubled up on science courses and took Physics and AP Bio concurrently, so having credits to graduate high school isn't an issue, but it is important to me to still be taking a science course since I love it and am planning to major in a science (Biology to be specific). To be honest though, I am worried about how not taking any science class senior year would look for a prospective science major (looking at schools such as Stanford, Columbia, Northwesterb UChicago).</p>

<p>There's one way I can fit a science course into my schedule (I would actually be able to fit AP Chemistry and Honors Anatomy and Physiology--which I wanted to take both in the first place but didn't have room). I'm currently enrolled in a Clinicals course to become certified as a pharmacy technician, and dropping the course would allow me to take both science courses. I know I'd enjoy taking this clinicals course, but not necessarily more than taking both of the science courses I was excited to take. The pharmacy certification is also not very necessary for me, since I probably won't have time to actually work through college, but instead an opportunity I had that I wanted to take advantage of.</p>

<p>I'm really looking for other peoples opinions on whether it seems worth it to drop this Pharm Tech course in favor of AP Chem and Honors A&P. I really couldn't say which I would rather do ignoring all other factors because I know I'll enjoy all three of the courses. I'm also interested in what you think colleges will prefer transcript-wise. Will saing I'm going to get Pharm Tech certified even come up in admissions since I'm not currently certified?</p>

<p>Also as a secondary question, I'm considering dropping another course (Academic Decathlon) in lieu of Senior Release. The Academic Decathlon program at my school is very unsuccessful and I really want to get out of it no matter what. Do colleges frown upon seniors who have early release, even if the rest of their schedule is rigorous and packed? Also in case you were wondering, I can't drop Academic Decathlon in order to take one of the science courses because of it's placement in the master schedule.</p>

<p>Sorry for the lengthy explanation/text blocks. Thank you for taking the time to read and offer some feedback! If you have any questions of me I'll reply, thanks!!!</p>


<p>For admissions purposes, AP Chem and Honors A&P will look a lot better than taking a Pharm Tech prep class. They will also serve as better preparation for your collegiate science studies.</p>

<p>Staying in AD might provide a minor benefit as an EC, but I see no compelling reason to stay in it if you dislike it. Early release shouldn’t be an issue as long as you have a solid courseload.</p>

<p>You seem to have a refreshingly mature perspective. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks Sherpa, I think I knew that’s what I wanted to do, but I just wanted reassurance that what I wanted to do shouldn’t hurt my admissions chances. But what I’m happy with should probably be my priority</p>