High School Senior Worried for College


<p>I am a high school senior student thinking about pursuing Nursing as my major in SDSU or CSULB. I am excited to go to a new environment and meet new people, but honestly, I am terrified and worried that I will do poor in the classes that I have to take as a nursing major. I consider myself decent at science and math, but I am not the best communicator in the world. As I was born and raised in a foreign country, I stutter a lot and get really nervous when I talk to a group of people, which I believe is a crucial problem for I know "Oral Communications" is one of the required classes for this major. So my question is, would you not recommend nursing as a major if you are not very good at talking? Or will the classes help me improve my communication skills over time? All answers are appreciated! </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>The classes (and age and experience) will help you improve your confidence, which in turn will help you with your communication skills. Not everyone is good at public speaking…you’ll have lots of fellow classmates that will not initially be good at it either. Don’t worry about it…focus on doing the best that you can and I’m sure you’ll be fine!
Good Luck!</p>

<p>Sorry for the late reply, but thank you SO MUCH for the response! Your advice made me feel much better about my future. </p>

<p>Don’t worry.
When I was a teenager I could barely speak English. There are lots of fun & easy things you can do to get use to speaking to strangers / talking in front of a group:
A) join a new club / any fun activities at your local recreation center / church etc.
B) if you have a part time job, try talking to your customers.
C) When you are nervous, try to keep the conversation simple & to the point. </p>

<p>Hope this helps you. Good luck!</p>

<p>FlowerMom, you are amazing and I mean it! Thank you for your great advice. </p>