High School transcript blues

My son filled out his application in early July but didn’t ask for his transcript to be sent since he was taking some dual enrollment courses. We figured that since he might be applying for additional scholarships in addition to the Presidential, the dual enrollment hours would look good. When school started back he had his college transcript sent over and asked for the courses to be transferred, but the guidance office was “too busy” for two weeks to record the grades.

My son told me he requested that the transcript be sent, but since nothing was showing on the Alabama site I called last week, and the high school said they had no record of one being sent. They said they were sending one. Well, still no sign of one being received. Last night I paid and requested one through the Parchment site, but the chance of it being received and my son being admitted by noon on Oct. 1 are extremely slim, so my son is going to lose out on top housing choices.

Hindsight being 20-20 we should have just sent an incomplete transcript in July. I never realized how hard it would be to get the high school to do anything. Just venting.

@EarlVanDorn That totally stinks. Thanks for posting, as I was not aware of the housing deadlines. Guess I should take a look! I do seem to recall talk of $200 non-refundable deposit, just no timeframe. And, UA not being #1 choice (although it’s close) makes it hard to pony up those bucks. Good luck! I assume they won’t accept a scanned version temporarily?

@EarlVanDorn send a note to mary.spiegel and politely ask if there is a way to admit him early. Be polite and maybe attach an unofficial copy.

@rtidwell - Oct 3rd at noon is when you first can pay the housing deposit.

Do you really need to do the housing deposit that early to get good housing?

@soyunchico The timing of the housing selection (which happens at a later date), depends on when you paid the housing deposit. So yes, It really does matter when you pay the housing deposit.

If you want an early housing selection time, then you need to pay the deposit early. If you know that your student is set on a particular type of housing in a particular dorm, then depositing early is crucial. If your student is flexible and doesn’t care where they wind up, then it won’t matter as much. However, if you pay the housing deposit after a particularly late date, then the selection is NOT made by the student but by UA Housing.

@robotbldmom I dont care about dorm but I do want honors housing. How early do you think it I should necessary to pay the deposit to get honor s housing?

@soyunchico If you are set on attending The University of Alabama, and you want Honors Housing, then you should deposit on the first day. Again, the earlier you deposit, the earlier your housing selection time, the better your chance of getting your preferred housing choice.

We had a LOT more hassle with transcripts than I ever anticipated. Applied in late July/early August and D was just admitted this week.

Your regional admissions officer is the BEST resource! Have your son reach out to yours via email–they will physically pull applications and put things together where they need to be. They are your inside person to help get the I’s dotted and the Ts crossed. Use them!

Well, to update, my son’s transcript was entered into the Alabama system sometime Friday afternoon, because I saw it Friday night. I have been busy, and sure wish I had seen it during working hours, because a new notice appeared above it stating that my son was 1/2 hour short on social science.

I assume when the high school sends the transcript they also send classes in which the student is currently enrolled. Unfortunately, my son is taking both political science and Mississippi History through dual enrollment, so these two credits wouldn’t have shown up. Instead of being a half credit short he actually meets the requirement and exceeds it by 1.5 credits.

We’ve already sent an email. My son will be in school Monday morning, so I’ll be on the phone trying to work on this.

@EarlVanDorn …yep, similar issue was had here also. D saw on her portal that she was deficient in English. It was a fixable problem. D just went to the GC and the GC emailed a PDF of Ds schedule which D forwarded to the regional AO who I guess got it entered into the system.

I did not sit with D while she completed her UA application but it made me wonder…is there not a section where you list your current senior classes? Ds do not show up on her transcript so maybe that was the problem?

I thought for the application that UA only looks at transcript through junior year?

So possibly it might have been better to send junior year transcript, then indicate what student is taking senior year, and sending the DE transcripts later once available.

At our school we would have had to wait to send transcript until school opens in August.

@EarlVanDorn, hopefully everything is now straightened out and you can pay housing deposit soon.

It’s kind of strange that he would have been short. The application asks for your senior schedule. Are you sure he entered it?

@soyunchico re: #6 and #7 above. If you want the Honors Housing that is the “super-suites” (such as the 4-bdrm, 4 bath units in Ridgecrest), then yes you may want to deposit quickly. However, if you want simply ANY Honors Housing (such as in a dorm that has double occupancy rooms), you don’t have to hurry as much; check the latest Housing information, but last year, there was some Honors housing in a couple of dorms other than the super-suites. One of those was Paty (all male) and one of those was Blount (I believe that 1 floor of Blount was for non-Blount program Honors students; co-ed floor). (ALSO note that you MIGHT be able to be “pulled in” to a suite by another student who deposited in the first couple of days, even if you didn’t deposit for a month or two. That’s been discussed quite a bit on various other threads.) Good luck!

@amy9998 Thank you. I honestly would prefer the traditional style room but either way does not matter. The earliest I can deposit would be November 5. Would that be to late to get honors housing if I can not get pulled in with someone else?

I worked out the problem. Apparently there was just some type of glitch that was corrected with the click of a button. Unfortunately, it’s still going to be a few days before he is admitted.

@soyunchico - I doubt you would have trouble getting into SOME form of Honors housing if you deposit on November 5th, but do it as soon as you can. Granted, it would very likely NOT be in Ridgecrest (unless someone pulls you in when it comes to room selection time). I believe there are more non-Ridgecrest honors spots for males than females, if it’s like last year. @UAHousing may be able to chime in on your question…

@amy9998 At this point I’m looking at having a housing deposit done in maybe a week. I just wanted to be in the first-15-minute-queue so my precious snowflake would have the best of it.

Just thought I would follow up on this. I supposedly worked out the problem on Oct. 3 or 4, but apparently the guy I talked to failed to do whatever he was supposed to do. I waited several days for things to go through before calling back. This time they fixed it, and after two days my son was admitted. I paid his enrollment and housing deposit on Oct. 10 or 11, which I’m guessing is not the end of the world, although my son obviously won’t get first pick of rooms.

My son’s school is having trouble sending transcripts to the University of Alabama. We’ve had a transcript request pending for over a week now and it still hasn’t been sent. Not sure what the glitch is, but he can’t be admitted until they sort it out.