High School's Over. And College Begins... Advice?

<p>Okay, so it's almost 2009 - meaning us seniors have only six months left of high school and one summer before college!!! It's crazy! </p>

<p>SO, what advice would you give to all of us? What should we do with the time we have left before going to college (What is ESSENTIAL to have done in high school)? What should we know about college life? Advise us... haha.</p>

<p>Enjoy and savor the last months of your high school careers...</p>

<p>have money saved up for doing things like going out</p>

<p>if all you have is money for tuition/books/ect you're going to be bummed once everyone else is going out</p>

<p>Learn to do your laundry. Seriously.</p>

<p>Go to a music festival before college (and by that I mean a camping music festival, not Lollapoluza or any others like that). They are amazingly fun. Bonnaroo(it's okay), Rothbury (amazing), 10,000 Lakes Music Festival (amazing), SummerCamp (good), are some examples. You will not regret it (unless you hate fun).</p>

<p>work during the summer and save money for books cause they cost a lot. Have fun during your summer after senior year cause college is going to eat you alive, lmao (a figure of speech). Uhm, college is actually a lot of fun. you get to do lots of activities with your friends and hang out at each other’s dorms until 4 in the morning and etc. Just have fun during your last year as a Senior, afterall you’re going to be at the bottom of your class again when you enter college as a freshmen =)</p>

<p>Nthing the exhortation to work during the summer and save up–even if books are paid for, it’s nice having a bit of spending money so you don’t need to work during the year.</p>

<p>If your college offers matching services which will help you contact potential roommates, as mine did, sending emails out is a good idea. If nothing else, you might meet someone fun, and you might find someone whose habits you click with nicely. It also helps to have talked to your roomie about possible issues and dorm rules (things like when we’re waking up, who deals with chores, what happens if someone wants to bring a significant other home for the night, etc.) before you come in and the RA makes you do it, because more thought will go into it before issues really arise. </p>

<p>Above all, enjoy yourselves. It’s like a great big vacation, and a chance to begin to really unwind so that you don’t burn out at all.</p>

<p>sleep! .</p>


<p>meet new people</p>


  1. Don’t be afraid to spend $$$ on that last prom. You only get one crack at it. </p>

<li><p>Dont slack off too much, get decent grades. </p></li>
<li><p>Dont forget to order the yearbook. I forgot to order mine :(</p></li>
<li><p>Thank your teachers at the end</p></li>


  1. Break up with your Gf/Bf from HS</p>

<li><p>Learn how to iron clothes</p></li>
<li><p>Save up quarters- for laundry </p></li>
<li><p>THIS IS IMPORTANT. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE IN COLLEGE DOESN’T MEAN that your smartness increased tenfold overnight, I hate arrogant freshmen who always think their opinions are right no matter what. </p></li>
<li><p>hmm, safe sex? Unless you go to a super conservative school, I am sure you can find free condoms on campus at the health center. </p></li>
<li><p>Exercise. I gained a lot weight when I started college. </p></li>
<li><p>If you are roommate is unbearable, don’t suck it up, switch.</p></li>

<p>^ Never use free condoms, they break. Splurge and buy the porno quality ones. $1 per screw will be the best money you’ve ever spent.</p>