Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2018-2019

@aggie92 I got the full amount last year. Also, I am pretty sure most of the people from last year whom I spoke with on this same thread got the full amount. They will definitely look at finances for decision on whether you will get an award.
I am married, have two children, so you know what that translates to. So this scholarship, the first and only I have ever gotten was such a gift from the universe. It goes without saying that most people who apply fro it truly need the money to make it by, and the ones who have the means to hold their own definitely receive smaller amounts. I remember last year someone’s mom was saying she did not get the full amount, and I believe she was getting other scholarships.

@torres7389 I have the same thing on mine but I still have not received an email yet?? what does that mean??

I haven’t received any emails or new notifications for my dashboard. I looked at the HSF events section and found out July is the month when scholars have their celebration dinner.

I recently contacted HSF about my application status and was told that applicants should expect a “(Selected, Waitlisted, Not Selected)” display on their dashboard in the coming weeks.

Where exactly on the dashboard is it supposed to say whether we were selected or waitlisted or not selected?

On my dashboard and such, nothing is on it it just says that my application is completed and the date that i completed it. Is it supposed to be like that? Or should i already know whether i was selected or not?

I emailed the regarding my status,and this was their response- I think we all still have a chance!


Thank you for your inquiry. Please note that we are still finalizing the selection process, and students will be notify of their HSF scholarship application status in the upcoming days via email. Please continue to check your email account for updates, as well as your spam and junk folders. If you have other questions or concerns about the application process, feel free to visit our FAQs page for more information: https://www.hsf.net/student.

Best regards,

HSF Team

mine say the same thing application completed what does that mean ?

They just sent me an invitation for the HSF scholars dinner but I was waitlisted
 i’m guessing that they already notified all the selected and waitlisted candidates.

Mine says the same thing, does that mean we got it?

If we’re waitlisted we still get the “hsf scholar” title but we’re on the waitlist to actually receive money.

so if I haven’t received any email yet or my dashboard hasn’t changed it most likely means I did not get it?

I got an email and I wasn’t selected. Oh well there is always next year.

Has anyone STILL not gotten anything? Or am I the only one on that boat??? It’s July and I still haven’t gotten anything! My friend got wait-listed and from what I’ve read here, he still has a chance but what does it mean if you haven’t gotten any email and your dashboard hasn’t updated??

I still have not received any notice!!

Hi guys! I was waitlisted (very blessed) and I would like to go to the HSF celebration dinner, but I don’t think my family will be able to afford the trip especially with travels to my own school’s orientation soon. Does anyone know if there is any significant benefits to going to the dinner?

have any of you gotten your payments disbursed?

@vanessa1996 i haven’t gotten my payment yet

okay me neither. They’re taking extra long this year

My son had an “accept your award” portal on his dashboard that he went into that was to accept the award and choose whether he was going to send his sponsor a thank you by letter or video, but it said not to accept it until you have received a letter with your award amount and sponsor. He just backed out because he hasn’t gotten a letter or email with the amount of his scholarship yet. The portal was on his dashboard for two days, and now he says its gone, which has him worried, of course. Has anyone else seen this option? He also doesn’t know if he should be watching the USPS mail, or his email, and for how long he should wait before he follows up about not having received it yet.

Has anyone received this letter, yet?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile: