Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2018-2019

@ChalatecoSV May I ask exactly when you were selected from the Waitlist during last year’s scholarship cycle?

HSF told me: “The scholarship amounts are disbursed in batches. Please expect a disbursement sometime in late January. You will receive an email from Wells Fargo when the disbursement is initiated and it will take 2-3 days for the funds to appear in your account.”

Thanks for the update. I’m still waiting on my disbursement. Hopefully the batch will come out soon!

@mcm358 @Kaylinp201 May I ask you guys when you were selected off of the waitlist? Also, did you guys have any extracurricular activities/volunteerism or belong to specific organizations listed in the original application when you filled out your HSF application last year? The reason I ask is because I had a 4.000 unweighted college GPA at the time I filled out my application and I had the highest possible financial need indicated by FASFA. I did not have a lot of volunteerism and only church as an extracurricular activity (if that counts); also, I was not involved in any of the specific organizations mentioned in the HSF scholarship application when I first applied in February of 2018. I’m a little surprised I have not been taken off of the waitlist yet, as I was convinced that a perfect 4.000 college GPA in combination with high financial need would be sufficient to be selected for an award. Please let me know if you had more activities/organizations under your belt than a mere high GPA. Thank you!!

@collegebound1119 LAST YEAR I received the notification the day before Christmas, the 23rd of December and eventually got the disbursement late January. This year I am officially beginning to lose hope, but not yet. I seems they move the “awards” into January so we still have two weeks to pray.

Im new to this(Ill be a Freshman) and I just submitted. I thought there was an essay but didnt see one, other than a short 280 character thingy.
What exactly is the process after you submit the online application.?

Another question if Im selected for a very competitive gap year program do I lose the scholarship or can I defer the award?

It was different this year, I also just had a short 280 character thing. You have to be enrolled in school to receive the scholarship so if you take the gap year you most likely would have to defer the scholarship until next year. Also, I was not taken off the waitlist I was originally selected last June. However I still haven’t received my disbursement, hopefully it will come in before the end of the month.

@ChalatecoSV It will be a long two weeks of waiting, but let’s hope & pray for the best!

@Kaylinp201 Thank you, congrats on being selected!

One thing to note is HSF does not consider financial need in selecting students, only in deciding what amount to award students after they’ve been selected.

Today we should receive some sort of answer, given that next week is the last week to be selected.
Hopefully we still have a chance.


Right…anyone waiting heard anything yet?

has anybody received their disbursements yet…?


Did anyone get the scholarship money yet? I got the award (wasn’t waitlisted) but still haven’t received anything yet. I emailed them a week ago and got the message below. Last year I got the award amount on December 23.


Thank you for your inquiry. Disbursements will be happening throughout the month of January.

Once your award is sent to Wells Fargo, Wells Fargo will notify you of the deposit via email.

Once you receive that notification, the award will appear in your account within 2-3 business days, depending on your bank.

The HSF Team

I’ve yet to receive any money, or any notification for that matter. I asked them about it a couple weeks ago, got the same message as above. It’s the end of January. Considering how late they were about it in December, I wouldn’t be surprised if the disbursement process rolled throughout February.

Just saw email and was rejected after being waitlisted. Oh well

@collegebound119 May I ask for those of us wondering, what set you apart as a selected candidate for a scholarship award? Sadly I wasn’t selected as a waitlisted applicant, although I had a 4.000 college GPA when I applied. Would you mind sharing what might have made you a viable choice besides grade point average (perhaps your participation in clubs, organization involvement, HSF involvement, extracurricular, etc.)?? I’m just curious. Thank you!

@collegebound119 I was accepted and received the full amount. My undergraduate GPA was 3.5 and now I’m pursuing two stem M.S degrees:

  1. Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
  2. Applied Statistics

Here’s a link to my website for more info: https://israeldi.github.io

Well it’s the last day of January hopefully they give it to us in February. this is what they sent me yesterday.

Please expect a disbursement in the next few days or early February. HSF disburses scholarship awards in batches. You will receive an email from Wells Fargo when the disbursement is initiated and it will take 2-3 days for the funds to appear in your account after that email. The HSF Team is working hard to disburse your funds to you as soon as possible, we thank you for your patience! If we have any further information, we will let you know.

If you haven’t done so already, please apply to the 2019-2020 HSF Scholarship before the deadline of February 15th.

Best regards,
The HSF Scholarships Team