Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2022

Our daughter got a note saying she is selected as a scholar but waitlisted for cash award. The HSF Scholar designation on resume + access to career supports is still a great outcome. Regardless of if she ever gets any funds. Grateful.


My daughter received an email that she has been waitlisted to receive the HSF Scholar designation. It has steps to take to remain on the waitlist for an opening should any others fall out of compliance or not accept their designation. She needs to submit her FAAL which we just did and then in Sept it says to watch for an email requesting a VOE.


I just sent an email to HSF asking about his status. I’m wondering if they have his wrong email. He has never received any emails from them. All of our communication has come through his dashboard on the website. We just sent in the requested financial docs and info. and we’ll hope for the best.


He can check in his HSF Dashboard / Account Settings what is the email on the website and the frequency of notifications.

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So just out of curiosity for those of you who submitted the Financial Aid form already - for the total cost of attendance, are you using the total estimated cost which includes indirect costs? Those are included on my Ds Financial Aid letter in the Total Estimated Cost. The form also asks for a source URL for the Total Cost of Attendance. The page I find at the university website doesn’t match the Financial Aid letter, the value on the web is about $1200 lower (and also says “estimated”).

She reported the total cost of attendance as detailed in her financial aid letter, including indirect costs.

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For those who have not seen the email yet, here is what I got (selected but waitlisted for financial award):


We are pleased to announce that you have been selected as a 2022 HSF SCHOLAR from among a highly competitive pool of applicants.

As a 2022 HSF Scholar, you have access to a full range of Scholar Support Services, including career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training.

Also, you are now a member of a nationwide network of HSF Scholars and Alumni that you will be able to access today and in the future.

Finally, you have been placed on the waitlist to receive a financial award. If more funding becomes available, you will receive a scholarship award that will range from $500 to $5,000, based on your financial need, that will enhance the Scholar benefits outlined above.

Being selected as an HSF Scholar, whether or not you receive a financial award, is a significant accomplishment. It is an acknowledgment of your hard work and dedication.

Once your HSF Scholar status has been confirmed, we encourage you to share this important distinction on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other social media profiles to support and enhance your higher-education and career journeys.

The instructions below outline the steps you must take to officially confirm your HSFScholar designation.


STEP ONE: Submit Financial Aid Award Letter
Log into your myHSF account and submit the following, no later than Friday, July 22, 2022, 5:00 PM PT:

  • A legible copy of your current Financial Aid Award Letter (2022-2023 FAAL)
  • “Legible” means that your FAAL must be submitted in one of the following formats:
    • PDF file, or
    • Clear screenshot(s) that include(s) all pertinent data (First and Last Name, Name of Institution, Academic Year, Cost of Attendance, Gift Aid, and Unmet Needs/Net Costs) - Click here for information on submitting your FAAL

Please note that the form where you can upload your FAAL may take 24-48 hours after receiving this notification to become available on your dashboard.

Should you have any issues obtaining your 2022-2023 FAAL, please contact us via the Message Center, immediately .

STEP TWO: Submit Enrollment Verification Form
In early September, you will receive an email requesting that you submit a copy of your Enrollment Verification Form from your school. Your Enrollment Verification Form must show that you are enrolled full-time in an accredited, public or not-for-profit, four-year university, or graduate school, in the US, for the 2022-2023 academic year.

STEP THREE: HSF Sends Confirmation
When you have completed the above two steps, and both the FAAL and Enrollment Verification Form have been reviewed and validated by HSF staff, we will officially confirm your HSF Scholar designation.

Additionally, if funding becomes available, you will be considered for a financial award. Disbursement typically occurs in December.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Be sure to log into your myHSF account as soon as your FAAL is available to upload, and then keep checking your mail, for your Enrollment Verification request and submission deadline.

All of us at HSF—and our Alumni across the country and around the world—are proud of your accomplishments and excited about the promise of what lies ahead for you.


Fidel A. Vargas

President & CEO

Hispanic Scholarship Fund


I wondered too but what we did is we just used the cost of attendance stated on the award letter. For url we didn’t put a url and just put “page 3 of the FAAL” since that is where we obtained the number from. :woman_shrugging:


We submitted the cost of attendance that was listed on a financial document that we received from the college that did include those extra indirect costs. But we couldn’t find a URL with a current cost of attendance that matched that one since all of their published rates on their website are for their 2021-2022 academic year, not 2022-2023. I even called the school this morning asking for more current numbers that would match what I have and they said they wouldn’t have anything posted online for a while. So I submitted a URL with the total COA from 2021-2022 which was off by about $2000. It’s marked clearly so hopefully they’re able to see that.

I should add that our COA is high so the $2000 is a small difference in the grand scheme of things. The thought of getting any additional scholarship at this point would be wonderful but I’m beginning to think he’s not going to since no word yet.

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I was considering this exact same thing, saying, see page 1 of FAAL and page 2 for cost to me. @2CollegeHoosiers - tell me about it, the $1200 isn’t much compared to total cost ($85k), but I came across an old post that said if your Net Price minus EFC is greater than $5000 than you should be eligible for the full amount. So, I want to make sure that amount is maximized. School gave very little, apparently, they think we are related to the Vanderbilts or Rockefellers or something. (not even close) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s very good to know for my second son who will be applying to colleges next year. He’s aiming for schools that don’t offer scholarships and he is a more ambitious student who has a stronger chance at being a HSF scholar who receives money than my current son.

My son’s college did offer some scholarships and grants which we are grateful for. It cut the price significantly but still leaves us with around $35,000/yr to cover. But our EFC is somewhat high so that’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get any money at this point. Being named a scholar would be wonderful though.

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I don’t know if those posts are correct, I am just hoping they are. :slight_smile: But at this point I am happy she was named a scholar and it does say she was selected for a scholarship, so I would assume that means she has to get at least $500. I think now she can start to look at what opportunities this honor opens up. It may also help with other scholarships she can apply to for next year. I was hoping she could go to one of the Scholar Celebration ceremonies, but they are all this month and she is pretty busy this month with things I don’t think she can get out of, since we would have to travel to any of the locations. She received the invite to the ceremonies yesterday, but at least there is a virtual one on Zoom in early August.


Interesting, my son just got invited to a scholar meeting in one of three or four cities. Too far for us. They have an online option. But no mention of scholarship money one way or another. He did get a message asking for fin aid award letter from school. We prob won’t get a thing, hopefully the networking and other programs will help.

You should double check his junk mail. If he received the invite to the ceremony, then he should have received an email that says he was selected as a scholar and the second part should say whether he was selected for a scholarship or waitlisted for a scholarship (either way you have to submit the forms). Scholarship amounts are announced later after they receive the forms. Waitlist offers come later in the year, but the scholars who are waitlisted for scholarships still receive all the other benefits to my knowledge, including invitation to the ceremony and anything else listed in the email and on the web. Somebody posted email with waitlist wording above.

Hi I’m a bit confused looking at the Hispanic Scholarship fund website. My D23, should she apply Jan 2023, or are we late and missed the application. She just started her senior year.


She is not late. My D22 is currently in orientation for freshman year and wasnt named an HSF Scholar until July. We still do not know how much she will receive. The application should go llive in January and the deadline to apply should be March 15, 2023. (ish)

Well, it’s that time again - has anybody’s child (or anybody if you are the student posting here) who were notified that they are an HSF scholar received the Step 2 email yet?

" STEP TWO: Submit Enrollment Verification Form
In early September, you will receive an email requesting that you submit a copy of your Enrollment Verification Form from your school…"

The ability to produce a verification letter has existed in my D22’s student portal since mid August.

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My daughter has not received the email yet either.

nothing yet.

Good to know. My son hasn’t gotten that email yet, but I kept thinking maybe he just missed it. Now that he is away at college, he is busy and it is even harder to get him to check emails. Actually, lol, he is barely answering texts.