Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2022


Exactly! Well, I guess we can assume early September means sometime in September. :slight_smile:
Afterall on the website “calendar”, the documents portions says June-November. I think the first Document was actually requested on almost the last day of June and due in late July.


Everything has been later than expected with HSF.


My daughter got the email today.

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Aggie question: Is your daughter able to download the enrollment verification in TAMU Howdy portal? Our D is getting this lovely warning. Same result for me in parent portal:

(She got the email today as well)

Yes daughter sent me a screenshot of the email several hours ago. It looks like there are 3 ways to verify. They have a place set up on the student hub for enrollment verification. We downloaded the form from the school a week ago with no interaction with the registrar, but it has a seal and is “signed” by the registrar. So hopefully that will work.

Same problem. I just emailed her these instructions:
Go to Howdy, Under the MyRecord tab, access the “Directory Hold Information” link in the Records and Grades channel. If there are any holds or restrictions remove them/change them to make your information available to anyone who asks for it. Then try again. If that still doesn’t work use the 2022 Enrollment Verification Form from HSF. (I attached it and asked her to print it). Take it to the registrar’s office and have them complete and sign it.

thank you, will give this a try!

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My daughter checked her directory info and there are no restrictions or holds. She tried to get the online enrollment verification again and got the same message-unable to verify enrollment . So she is going to have to find time this week to go to the registrars office, form in hand, to get it signed off to submit.

We are in the same spot. Must be a breakdown in system communication between TAMU and that National Clearinghouse site…

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So, then I guess I won’t ask if when they got to the “confirm contact information” question they used the permanent home address or updated it to their dorm address. :neutral_face:
I checked out the link on the clearinghouse and it just seemed to not even do anything, going to registrar’s office seemed way too time consuming, so I am hoping the auto form for Enrollment Verification she can generate on her student hub will be adequate. It has all the info requested and a seal, it just creates a pdf file. It just doesnt look as fancy as the example in the help file.

I would think that would be fine. TAMU doesn’t have that option. The verification enrollment option in the student hub “howdy” links to the clearinghouse and it says it can’t confirm their info. So only option for us is the registrar office trek. I told my daughter while she is there to ask why it didn’t work maybe there is some reason they can identify and fix for any future need for enrollment verification .

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My son downloaded the HSF form and filled out his portion and emailed it to the registrars office at his college (actually referred to as Student Affairs office or something like that there) and they returned it to him the next day. So he just uploaded it onto his portal. Not sure if it’s done properly but at this point we’re not too concerned bc he was waitlisted and we’re not expecting anything really.

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My daughter is waitlisted too.

My daughter uploaded her form today. This step had quite a few additional (but easy) questions in addition to uploading the VOE form. But it’s done.

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My daughter submitted hers today too. (Her class is cancelled tomorrow because of Ian, so I was able to get her to finally do it.) So, the final waiting begins. Actually, I guess not the finally waiting, the final waiting will be for the funds to be transferred to her university. This will be the waiting to see how much she receives. I saw in previous years the waiting for the funds can last until late March. :crossed_fingers:

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And I get to start the process all over again with my senior in just a few short weeks. Yay for me - lol!


Well, now that you put it that way… I guess we all get to start the process over soon, because students can apply every year in college and graduate students can apply too. :slight_smile:


I don’t think my kids will. Waste of time. I looked all over and every single kid on Reddit and here got waitlisted. I know anion dad likes to defend them but you are the only one. Which in itself is interesting. Then just out of curiosity I looked up the company on Glassdoor. Toxic is a common theme. If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish then it’s probably a fish. Good luck to you all.