<p>2150 SAT, 710, 700, 630 SAT2, 4.1w gpa, bout 3.7uw, estimated class rank bout 20%, white male from va, applyen bio at the college, great essays, great recs, congressional intern for speaker of house, rowed on school team since frosh year, started and am president of school SCUBA club, competitive jesuit school in dc, 200hrs of community service in various endeavors. Got that generic national hnr roll, NHS, stuff as well. Any thoughts would be great, lemme know if there is anythin else that would help u size up my chances better. thanks</p>
<p>Scads, It looks like you have a really good shot at gtown. First off, gtown really likes athletes (specifically rowers) so thats good. I got in EA and I'm rowing lghtweight for gtown next year--hopefully I'll see you there. If you can, try to contact the crew coaches, let them know you want to go to gtown, if your good you can even stay for a recruitment overnight. Im no expert on admissions, but if it helps I got in with very close to the same stats as you-- basically the same sat 1 and Sat2's of 780,700,700. Anyways best of luck to you, I'm sure you'll be fine</p>