Home made desk Hutches

<p>I just thought I would past this along for people building their own desk hutch. The flier that sells them also states their dimensions with pics, so it is easy to replicate. It cost us with lumber, screws, and paint 50 bucks for 2 (building one for DD's roommate also). Rental for a yr is 60 for one.</p>

<p>The design will mimic the ones they rent, but we will be painting it with Tech colors and chalkboard paint on the sides, along with a built in chalk holder. Chalkboard paint works really well, we have experimented with it a yr ago in her bathroom. Her friends love it and everytime they are over they spend time just doodling on it.</p>

<p>In case anyone is thinking of doing something like this, Lowe's also sells dry erase paint that you can use instead of chalkboard. It actually looks like the whiteboards that you buy when it is done.</p>

<p>If you intend to paint it Tech colors, I can tell you they won't match it to material and it is insane trying to match it up. We finally selected
Valspar Jack O lantern 205-6
Olympic Red Red Wine C37-6</p>

<p>Hope that helps anybody building a hutch</p>

<p>I have to say I have never heard of white board paint. That’s impressive! :)</p>

<p>bulletandpima, our flyer didn’t have the dimensions listed for the hutches, only for one of the smaller pieces. Can you post the dimensions here as my husband wanted to make 2 of them before the 17th?</p>



<p>Bullet here (Pima’s DH and the family “hanfyman”). Goot the dimensions from the CollegeSavers site. 38 inches wide, 28 inches for a hutch that goes under a loft and where your student will use a laptop. The Collegesavers site has the dimensions under the “FAQ” section, with drawings.</p>

<p>I’d appreciate to hear from any students on here who had a loft and a hutch last year: was there a lot of clearance between the bottom of your loft and the top of your hutch? I made my hutch just under 31 inches to have more shelf height, hoping to hear that it should fit no problem (if not, that is what saws are for!).</p>

<p>Excellent! That’s what I needed. My DH will be very happy, he can start on the hutches. now. Thanks!</p>

<p>Bullet, our son was in O’Shag and the beds were already lofted when we got there (on the metal frames). We purchased a hutch and it was too tall to fit on the desk under the bed.</p>

<p>The metal lofts are adjustable, however, so we were able to raise the mattress a notch and then all was fine. You may want to throw a rubber mallet in your tool bag in case you have to lift the frame - we made do with a borrowed hammer but a mallet would have been much easier.</p>

<p>I am Bullet’s wife (Pima) and our DD will be in AJ. I ordered the loft and they said that it would be un-assembled, we need to bring pliers to assemble it.</p>

<p>Pima, my D was in West AJ (7th floor) - the lofts are easy to assemble and you’ll be able to adjust the height, so the hutch should fit fine. Good luck! Not much longer and you’ll be looking for that parking place on Washington Street!</p>

<p>I know. Every a.m she wakes up and says good morning to the dogs, following with guess what I leave in X amt of days, you’re going to miss me…as if she expects the dogs to say yes!</p>

<p>I am kind of excited about her leaving because that means my dining room (the current collection point) will soon look like a dining room. Thankful also that we own a Yukon Denali because I need all of the room I can muster, a smaller car and we’d probably need a U’haul. Anxious, because we still have more crap to buy…rain boots (or as the Brits say Wellies), room fans, and little stuff.</p>

<p>Fortunate because this is baby #2. I will miss her terribly, but I think after going through this already my mind set is so different. I am just so happy for her to be able to go to her dream college (our DS is also at his), and because of going through this with her brother, I am excited for Thanksgiving because the amount they mature is astounding. They leave as kids, but they come back after those few short weeks as adults. She is not immature by any standard, and I can’t explain the difference, but they do change. Maybe, it is because all of the sudden they get it regarding us as parents, how we drilled in their heads, remember/realize I won’t be there to save you when you go to college, you will have to save yourself. And now they get how often we actually did save them, even if it was to run the paper due they left at home to the school which makes them appreciate us even more.</p>

<p>The only thing I hope for is she won’t be like her brother and never make her bed!</p>

<p>Yep. S at VT is our second, too (D graduated from there earlier). </p>

<p>Flash forward a year. We leave tomorrow afternoon (we have to fly) and S has not started packing yet. Of course, he was pretty casual even last year, moving into the dorm.</p>