<p>Hi I'm an Asian sophomore and I was wondering what my chances for admission are if I continue at this rate and win more awards. Here is what I have so far:</p>
<p>Disadvantaged backbround (less than 30k)
Currently 1/393 at public high school
Unweighted GPA: 4.0 Weighted GPA: 4.5320</p>
<p>Prior to High school:
Honors Beginning Algebra
Honors Intermediate Algebra
Honors Precalculus with Trigonometry</p>
<p>Freshmen Year:
Honors English A/A
Honors Geometry A/A
Honors Biology A/A
French 1 A/A
Intro to Business A
P.E. 9 A</p>
<p>Sophomore after 1st Semester:
American Studies Honors (English) A
American Studies Honors (History) A
A.P. Calculus AB Honors A
P.E. 10 A
Chemistry Honors A
French 3 Honors (tested out of french II) A
Intro. to Art A</p>
<p>Same schedule except with AP Statistics and Health instead of Art and P.E.</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities/awards:</p>
<p>Volunteering at library (9,10) Friend of the Library Award
Math League (9,10) Top 10 Divisional Scoring Leaders, scoring team
Knowledge Masters (9,10) Participation Award
DECA (9, missed the dang deadline) Top 8 District Finishers
Northern Stars Leadership Conference (accepted)</p>
<p>So far, I've only taken the PLAN, I plan to take the AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics and the SAT IIC examinations by the end of this academic school year.
English 26
Math 29
Reading 24
Science 22
Composite 25</p>
<p>Please be honest, I promise I won't be offended.</p>
<p>with all due respect this isn't a joke. I'm not trying to come off as arrogant. I was just wondering what my chances were with the mediocre PLAN scores because I know those won't get me very far and my performance on the ACT will not be much better than on the PLAN. Furthermore, about the Ivy League it's an aspiration I have that is probably not going to happen anytime soon. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as arrogant or snobby, but that wasn't my intention.</p>
<p>They're kinda right considering you're a sophomore and you won't even be filling out the application for another year and a half. But you're on the right track, keep it up. Since your grades are so good, they might ignore your scores unless they are absolutely terrible, which they aren't. Don't worry, don't get freaked out.</p>
<p>The weak part of your resume is your PLAN score, specifically the science score. I am not familiar with raising the ACT, so I don't have a good feel for what you can do with that. But, I have a suggestion. Try taking a practice SAT (with the essay) and see how you do. Science, per say, it not tested in the SAT, and the math section is given more weight than in the ACT. If you average somewhere around 600 points per section, you can probably raise it enough to be pretty competitive by the time you take it as a senior. If your transcript, essay and rec's are good, you certainly don't need a 2400 SAT to get in. </p>
<p>Over the summer, reading challenge material, and discussing it with others, will help you with the reading sections of your standardized testing - and reading in general. Summer is also a good time to work on the SAT / ACT if you have the discipline or time for it.</p>