Honors Admission Notification?

<p>i just called their honors office and they have said that all decisions will be made by April 15th for those who have not gotten them yet.</p>

<p>so does this mean i have not gotten eligibility for honors housing?</p>

<p>Just wondering how selective that honors program is. N</p>

<p>Not trying to be arrogant, but I was accepted to UVA and W&M regular decision in state, but was rejected from tech’s honors college.</p>

<p>@QandAorBust I got accepted to UVA as well, but rejected from VT honors. Wondering about that as well! Guess VT honors must pay close attention to extra-curriculars more than academics.</p>

<p>My son was accepted at UVa and VT Honors. I couldn’t tell you the ‘formula’ as several of his classmates were accepted at UVa and eventually turned down to VT Honors. Some of these students even received small scholarships at VT ($5k/year). Who knows?</p>

<p>Keep in mind that if you don’t “come in” with Honors, you can still join later if you meet the requirements.</p>

<p>hokagesama is right. Son did not qualify for Honors from high school (SAT qualified him but grades didn’t) but he did very well once he got to Virginia Tech. He was invited to apply to Honors his freshman year but decided no to. But he seemed to automatically get the invitation (did not have to seek out the invitation).</p>

<p>Just hypothesizing here, but the description of the honors program makes it sound resource intensive (separate advisors, option of special housing, …). There probably is just a maximum number of students that can be enrolled from the incoming freshman class each year, and they have to cap it somehow. Grades/test scores make you eligible; essays and extracurriculars are used to pare down the number? Just indicates the strength of the top students going to VT (and the relatively small number of slots available to incoming freshmen in Honors).</p>

<p>I have a friend who got into Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering, but wasn’t even invited to apply for University Honors. I have another who was waitlisted to UVA and got into Tech’s Honors Program. Truly a strange, strange system.</p>