Virginia Tech Honors Letter?

<p>I applied to Virginia Tech (both general and Honors) in February and received my general admissions letter in the mail today. I was wondering if anyone else has heard from Honors or about when I should be expecting a letter with an Honors decision? Thanks.</p>

<p>I got accepted today as well :slight_smile: The Honors decisions won’t be sent out until later. All I’ve been able to get them to say is sometime after our university acceptance. They’re official is April 15th from my understanding.</p>

<p>It takes a good bit longer… Think it was April before my son heard from Honors last year.</p>

<p>Did you apply some sort of early decision? Or can regular decision acceptance letters come any time before April 1?</p>

<p>Nope, regular decision. They can come anytime between now and April 1st, they send them in waves</p>

<p>They actually have a set decision date. Last year, it was March 21. (although some students - mainly OOS get their results earlier like always… that already happened this year). </p>

<p>VT Honors decisions should be in the mail now. My S received his acceptance yesterday (Mar 25)</p>

<p>What are his stats like if you don’t mind me asking?</p>

<p>I got my letter but unfortunately I was not accepted. I got a 2000 on my SATs and have a 3.85 unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>My D didn’t get in either… she was accepted in the COE… had SAT of 2080, 4.0 unweighted GPA, 4.7 weighted GPA and is ranked 6th in her class… obviously academics wasn’t the focus…</p>