Honors College Admission

Hi, I am a freshman at UGA and I applied to the first-semester entry program to the honors college. During the honors college information meetings they told us that all that the honors college will look for in applicants is mainly their G.P.A if they meet the 3.8 cutoff or not. I did meet the cutoff and worked on the essay for the application for many days and had several people proof read it before I submitted my application. However, I was not accepted into the program. Whenever I emailed asking for a reason, the admission officers are just sending me an automated email just repeating what it says on the application itself that a lot of people have applied to the program as expected and that there were just as many competitive applicants as myself. Have any of you experienced this or are just willing to share more about a reason behind why honors colleges do this?

I asked two current honors students if they knew anything. They said that it was still very competitive even after you met the grade cutoff. One of their friends also didn’t make it. Sorry.