Honors College Admissions Decision!

<p>^SWEET! so like january-ish?</p>

<p>classes resume Jan 16.I suspect you will hear soon thereafter.</p>

<p>Hi, all --</p>

<p>My DS got his Honors College letter last Saturday. What a nice Christmas present! We live in upstate NY and he is looking forward to a sunnier, warmer climate. DS would love to know more about SC from current students (possibly your son, Cathy? :)) and also correspond with other prospective freshmen. If you "private message" me, I can give you his address. Happy Holidays!

<p>I got my acceptance to the Honor's College yesterday. It was funny. I got my acceptance and the card saying they had received my application on the same day. Sort of like "well, duh." Now, like most of you, I'm waiting to find out about McNair Semifinalist</p>

I'll PM you shortly. S knows at least 2 "upstaters"..we're from the NYC burbs.</p>

<p>You're all in for a flurry of mail now that you are accepted into the HC.It seemed like S was getting mail daily.</p>

<p>I love USC mail. They show shots of people sunbathing and walking around in flip flops. It's almost like one of those "wish you could be here" postcards you get from a relative visiting the Carribbean.</p>

<p>its mostly true...S was wearing shorts the day before he flew home for the holidays..not quite Florida as there are some evenings in winter that go below the 40's and once a decade or so they have a dusting of snow.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone, it's too bad that all our kids can't be McNair finalists! We'd settle for a Cooper....</p>

<p>Seriously, doesn't it seem logical that every out of state kid accepted into the HC would get at least a Cooper. I mean, if you guys don't get them, who would?</p>

It seems all the kids we met in Honors had a scholarship of some kind..and most of the Capstone kids too.I think you can pretty much be assured if you're accepted into Honors,some sort of scholarship letter will come your way.
Don't forget they award some scholarships after you accept admission(departmental ones),and they upgrade them as well..for example,when S was upgraded from Cooper to McNair someone else was upgraded from something else to Cooper.
USC is good like that!</p>

<p>I sent in all my stuff on Nov. 14 and still haven't heard anything... from the university or the honors college. Any one else still waiting?</p>

<p>Yeah...I applied November 11th and still no word. Didn't do honors though-Did all that work, essays and stuff, for the honors supplement and got finished the day before the Nov. 15th deadline. Then I saw that I had to get teacher recs (I had somehow missed reading that on the online application). There was no way I was going to be able to get a teacher to give me a rec overnight, so I scrapped the honors plan and just applied regular. </p>

<p>Still no word though.</p>

<p>Ouch! Most schools give the teachers a few grace days. Atleast you now have answers to almost every question on other applications.</p>

its too bad you didnt persue it..the Nov 15 date is a preferred date, they accept them until Dec 1.And you probably could have called and explained the problem,I bet they would have accommodated sending the reccs in afterwards.It always pays to call or try to get more infornation.</p>

<p>I applied on Nov 30 and recieved my acceptance letter on Dec. 16th. No word on honors yet, but it's surprising to hear that people who applied earlier than I did still haven't received a regular decision.</p>

<p>yeah, I applied December 1 (like right as the post office was closing) and i recieved my regular and honors acceptance on December 20. I can't believe its taking so long for you a lot of who applied in November.</p>

<p>Okay, I was just thinking...since the McNair Scholarship invite already comes with an automatic admission to the honors college, maybe they are going to just invite you as a semifinalist and to honors college at the same time, so that's why you have not heard yet.</p>

<p>Well that's a depressing thought jingle. Pretty much would mean that all of us who are so excited about our decisions and are on pins and needles waiting to hear about the McNair are going to be very disappointed come February.</p>

<p>I haven't heard from USC yet, but my letter could very well be sitting in my grandma's mailbox in the States. She's still here visiting, so I won't know for at least another 10 days, when she goes back. Sort of stinks.</p>

<p>But... if jingle1 is right, I hope that letter isn't waiting.</p>

<p>Haha...sorry. I didn't mean to be so pessimistic. I really hope that my prediction is wrong. I was just really nervous, since I heard back so soon when many of you who seem like excellent students have not. I was not going to apply to honors, until I realized that I really wanted to the night before. I did the entire application that night and the next day (December 1st--I skipped school for the first time ever), and I turned it into the post office right when they were closing (they literally locked the doors behind me). Given my limited time, I did not even have time to proofread my essay, and I did a lot of copy and pasting from other apps, so I'm sure there were some mistakes on it. I did not think my application was that good and I was sure that I was not going to get into the honors college, so I was really surprised when I received my acceptance letter on December 20th. Anyways, congrats to everyone that got in, and good luck with the McNair Scholarship!</p>

The MCNair letter and the Honors letters were seperate so dont give up hope.
Call the Admissions office!!! Explain the circumstance of your mail and Im sure they will help you. Ask for Heather Wheeler or Ed Black,dont just talk to the clerk who answers the phone.
so excellent of you to do the app even at the last minute! Im glad the work it took to finish it paid off and hopefuly some $$ payoff will follow as well.</p>