Honors College - Economics Major

Hi, my daughter got accepted to the Honors College and to the school of Liberal Arts with an Economics Major. I am a bit surprised because I didn’t think she had the credentials for honors college. She is of course very excited about it. I understand there’s a strict requirement of 3.5 GPA. Can someone share with me if it is a big deal to be part of honors college and how difficult is it to stay in it after first year? I am just worried if it would be a big letdown. Thanks in advance.

Honors college is incredible. We took the tour. I would only want my son to go if he got into honors which he did but we are OOS and he didn’t get any money. Go visit and tour the honors college if you can. I was very impressed!

I imagine it is hard to keep a 3.5 and stay in the honors college. We toured also and were so impressed. A lot of kids don’t stay in after the first year. I’m sure some drop out because they just don’t have time for the extra classes required, and some probably get kicked out for grades. A 3.5 is very difficult to keep in all majors, but especially in things like engineering. My daughter was accepted, but we are OOS and still not sure if we can swing it financially. It is her top choice though. I would suggest your daughter do it if she wants to with the knowledge that she might not be able to keep the required GPA, and that’s OK!

Thank you, both for your response. Yes, she is doing the tour at the end of March. I have heard the same from another friend of mine. Yes, 3.5 is difficult to keep but she needs to take that as a challenge. For my daughter, it has now become a choice between Purdue and Ohio State. We are OOS with both. She got into Honors College at Purdue but no money but at Ohio State, she didn’t get into Honors College but she got some money that dropped her tuition to basically in-state tuition. I know that part of the decision has to be financial, so any thoughts on whether Purdue Honors College is worth paying more than Ohio State for a BA in Econ degree?

My daughter didn’t have the best grades and success in her high school and she feels special being accepted at Purdue Honor College. Ohio State is, I think, ranked higher in Econ than Purdue. However, it seems Honors College might give access to more interdisciplinary stuff. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Thanks again to for your valuable input. Appreciate your time and candor.