Honors College

<p>I received my invitation packet to the TCU Honors college today. Has anyone else received his or hers?</p>

<p>Yes, my son did. His question is would being in the Honors College add to his workload such that he couldn’t double major or pursue two minors.</p>

<p>Rice1961, I believe many of the honors classes will fulfill the TCU core curriculum so it’s not like you’re taking a lot more credit hours than needed. However, I am not sure how much more difficult it will be to double major while taking honors classes.</p>

<p>I also received my packet today and am really excited! The benefits seem to be awesome but what extra work does it entail? Can a current or recent honors college graduate help us out?</p>

<p>Folks who have received invitations to the Honors College - where do you live? Close to TX? We are eagerly awaiting this news and hope it is going to arrive. Did it come in the regular mail? We seemed to get acceptance and scholarship packets a few days later than others and hope this is the case with the Honors invitation.</p>

<p>I live in KS and was one of the first, according to this forum, to receive both acceptance and scholarship info.</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope something comes in the next few days. Getting into the Honors College will be key in making this decision for us. Stats seem similar to those who have been invited, so … fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Daughter received hers yesterday regular mail. We are in Austin. The letter says all Honors classes count toward core curriculum. Also received the invite today for Admitted Student Days. Looking forward to that and learning more about TCU. It was at first just “another college being applied to” but her interest has grown tremendously since.</p>

<p>We live on the Coast so not close to TX at all. I found out that students have to take 5 Honors classes between their freshman and sophomore year, and they do count toward Core Curriculum. What have people heard about Milton Daniel? I heard is the nicest dorm regarding amenities, free laundry, rooms, etc. But is it too quiet for a kid who wants that “traditional” college experience?</p>

<p>I’ve heard Milton Daniel (and other honors dorms elsewhere) can be just as fun as other dorms. Not all honors students are all-academic, nerdy types who don’t want to have fun! If my son gets into the Honors College, he will choose to do it and live in the honors dorm but still plans to be his usual social self - maybe joining a fraternity, engaging in “traditional’” college life, etc. What I love about honors is that he can be surrounded by kids who are bright and who care about school, but still be at a school where he can enjoy himself - kind of the best of both worlds. I would like to think the honors kids like a good party, too - just not 6-7 nights a week!</p>

<p>I was thinking the same thing devilbear. Living in the honors dorm shouldn’t prevent me from being social and jointing a fraternity. I’m sure honors kids have the traditional college experience as well.</p>

<p>Yay - the invitation finally came today! It looks great and will be a huge factor in whether or not our son chooses TCU. There’s only one other contender among his EA acceptances but we are waiting for 2 RD schools whose decisions don’t come out until late March/April 1. In spite of the fact that TCU is the “weakest” (based solely on numbers and ranking criteria) school he applied to, I think it is his favorite! He just felt at home on the campus.</p>

<p>I heard from a student (freshman) who lives at Milton Daniel now, and said it was very quiet. Not a pro or con, just fyi.</p>