Honors College

Does anyone have any idea about the range for Honors College. Website says top 6-8%. Is a 1400 SAT and high grades in range?

My DS was told by a regional admissions counselor that typically those with 33 ACT (not sure of SAT equivalent) and above are in range for Honors invites…but it does vary based on applicant pool each year.

@Meant2B Thanks! A 1400 is around 30/31, so that’s quite a bit higher.

@Meant2B - But is that a superscore since TCU superscores?

@KWimbs I would assume it’s just the range of the best score (so superscore considered),but that’s just a guess.

Forgot to mention the regional counselor also said if you have a 3.5 GPA or above freshman year at TCU you can then apply for the Honors College.

If any current or past TCU students or parents can confirm that further, please chime in!

@Meant2B - that is correct. You can apply spring semester based on Fall grades. When we visited last February, we actually talked to a student who did that very thing.

Does the Honors College invite come separately from the scholarships?

Have all the invitations came out already? I’m a bit surprised that I didn’t get in.

My D received her Honors College invite on Jan. 19th. Came in it’s own envelope and was separate from her scholarship letter which she received back in December. She has an ACT super score of 32.

The first round of letters for EA applicants went out in January, and as @LTmomof2 said, the Honors College invite came in a separate letter. I think they were planning to send out a second round of invites for those who applied RD, if there were spots available, but it would definitely be worth a call to your admissions counselor to find out. I am relatively sure that the process has been completed, but if you think you should have received an invite, call! It certainly can’t hurt! Good luck to you @ericacv!

My C called her TCU admissions counselor today about the honors college, and was told the invitations have already been sent. She applied EA and is a Dean’s scholar. We were surprised that she didn’t get the honors college invite. 35 ACT, 1530 SAT, National Merit Commended, Top 10%, 4 year Varsity athlete and team captain, 200+ hours of community service, works 10 hrs/week, 10+ AP classes, AP scholar with distinction, numerous leadership roles.

@TXGirlMom Wow! Those are some incredible stats your daughter has earned! I am surprised that she didn’t an invite to the honors college as well. More than that, I am surprised that she didn’t get an invite for the Presidential Scholarship! Did the counselor say there was any possibility that they could review her application for further consideration?

@MusTeachMom - Thank you. She has emailed her TCU admission counselor to ask if there is a possibility to appeal the decision. She’s a triple legacy at TCU (Dad, Aunt, and Uncle) and was really hoping for this opportunity.

@TXGirlMom wow, just wow! Shocked, she’s the ideal Honors Student!!
Has your D absolutely decided on TCU, or still exploring other options? I’m sure, based on her stellar accomplishments, she’s had other great offers!
Keep us posted on your appeal and wishing you all the best.

My son applied in November, and his first acceptance was TCU around the last week in January… with a 12k Scholarship for 2 years. Not much when you look at how much it costs overall… this was his #1 choice but it just isn’t affordable. He has a 3.55 GPA, but higher if you don’t take into account his C in Piano. :slight_smile: Lots of activities sports, theater, clubs, volunteering. History Major, and will have 64 units to transfer over with 3 A.A’s earned (History, Criminal Justice, Sociology) No SAT or ACT taken. Member of Phi Theta Kappa though.

@Meant2B and @MusTeachMom - Update - her admissions counselor agreed that she should appeal for admission to the Honors College, and has given her information about the process. Materials will be submitted by 3/1, with a decision likely around 4/1. C only applied to 3 school, and the other two have 4/1 notification dates. So we’re still waiting to hear. But if she is going through sorority recruitment at TCU, I think there are May 1 deadlines for certain sororities. It’s going to be a busy spring.

@TXGirlMom That is great news! Good luck to you and to her! I have a feeling they will have a change of heart! We are still waiting for music scholarship notification from TCU, as well as scholarship notification from three other schools so I am afraid it will be a long month of waiting ahead. I can’t wait to know officially where we will be visiting our daughter in the fall! :slight_smile:

Best of luck @TXGirlMom ! I’m sure all will be well! @MusTeachMom wishing you the best of luck with decisions as well.

Unfortunately DS be attending elsewhere as the TCU financial aid, even with generous merit, just isn’t enough for our family to make happen. DS is disappointed, not a fun moment to have to tell him, but he understands. He has options at other great schools for considerably lower net cost.

Best of luck to all who are fortunate enough to be attending.

@Meant2B @MusTeachMom - Her appeal to the honors college was granted - got the good news via USPS on 3/31. Good life lesson - ask for what you want, and if at first you don’t succeed, try again.