Honors Colleges/Programs

<p>Someone have a list of honors colleges/programs at division 1 sports colleges?</p>

<p>i know theres some other threads on this but i couldnt find em.</p>

<p>can people list them and how good they are supposed to be
i know penn st, ut austin, uva's sorta honors program, miami, south carolina are all supposed to be good-- any others?? thanks!</p>

<p>I qualified for Iowa States Honors Program... which is probably where i'll end up going due to our economic situation. I think its pretty comparable to other state university honors programs.
Iowa</a> State University Honors Program</p>

<p>anyone else please help!</p>

<p>University of Delaware; Penn State; University of Maryland; UCs; UNC Chapel Hill, the list goes on and on and on.</p>

<p>I believe Oklahoma and Michigan State have good honors programs.</p>

<p>Honors Program at Ohio State, its very nice, I know many top people at my school went there.</p>

<p>rutgers- new brunswick?</p>

<p>Arizona State has a top-notch honors program.</p>

<p>bump bump bump. thanks</p>

<p>every state school has one</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.</p>

<p>(Iā€™m pretty sure Pierre0913 is right)</p>

<p>UT-Austin Plan II Honors, Business Honors Program, Liberal Arts Honors, etc.</p>

<p>Plan II and BHP are especially renowned and prestigious.</p>

<p>[Honors</a> Programs | Why UT? | Be a Longhorn](<a href=ā€œhttp://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/whyut/beyond/honors/index.html]Honorsā€>http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/whyut/beyond/honors/index.html)</p>