Honors credit for P/F classes

<p>My S just received an e-mail that he was accepted for Alabama Action, and it included this information: “Also, please be aware that you can only receive Honors credit for two hours of Pass/Fail courses. There will be more class options open to you, and while you are welcome to take as many as you would like, only two hours of Pass/Fail course can go towards your Honors credit.”</p>

<p>It’s kind of ambiguous, but based on the stated requirements on the Honors web page, it looks like AA/OA will count as honors credit, but will not count as one of the six required UH classes. (The requirements listed for the remaining 12 hours refers to a limit of 2 hours for P/F courses, so I assume this is what Susan is talking about). </p>

<p>Does that seem like the correct interpretation? I know people were wondering if AA/OA were still going to count for the UH requirement, and it looks like the answer is no.</p>

<p>lisa - Yes, I think you are right. I read it as meaning that, because the UH credit of 1 hour for AA is P/F, it cannot count for the required 6 hours of UH course credit, which must be graded. The 1 hour of P/F credit for UH 103 will count toward the other 12 required hours of Honors course credit hours that can come from UH, Departmental Honors, Honors by Contract, Graduate level, or CBH courses. Of that required other 12 hours, only 2 can come by way of P/F credit. I think that maybe Susan is just being cautious and trying to explain the change this year from a graded AA/OA in past years to P/F credit only this year, and the impact of the change.</p>

<p>I believe you are absolutely correct in your interpretation.</p>

<p>There are a lot of restrictions/requirements on the honor’s courses and it’s usually best to use Degreeworks to see how it counts the credits.</p>

<p>For the 6 credits of UH seminars they must be graded 100, 200, or 300 level courses
400 level UH courses do NOT count toward the seminar credit
The IHP courses DO count as a UH seminar</p>

<p>for the 12 remaining hours
only 2 credits can be pass fail
only 6 credits of honors by contract will count</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there are many 1 hour Honors courses that are not pass/fail? My S will do OA and probably the one hour Freshman Honors course which is P/F as well. He will need one more hour of honors to make things “even.” If there are not many, then these 2 classes will just be extra honors courses. If that is the case, then he probably won’t take the freshman Honors course. He doesn’t want an extra class for no real purpose his fall semester. I understand, there is value in just taking the class. I’m just trying to figure out the 12 hours Honors requirement. My D will end up with more that 12 hours Honors requirement which is great but looking back she may have skipped the P/F class and given herself more time her first semester.</p>