<p>So I took geometry back in seventh grade (summer) and I found out today that I took the wrong version of the test and I don't get honors credit for it unless I appeal and get it approved (which I will definitely do, but is hard to get - plus I have to retake the honors test and pass). I'm just mad because I didn't know that I was supposed to indicate honors level on the test out application, I thought that was a given in my school district for middle schoolers taking high school classes (even my teacher looked over the form!)... And plus I was totally high-school-unknowing back in middle school. I talked to the assistant principal today and he said if they (the district admin people) look at my grades in my other (honors) math classes and consider the fact I was in seventh grade, they might make an exception. I can only hope...</p>
<p>how much of a difference does it make?</p>
<p>Well, I had a one class buffer against my main competitors for valedictorian - this gets rid of it.
Also, my math classes on my transcript look really odd because test-out classes aren’t distinguished as test-outs. So it looks like I took all honors math except for a core, easy course.</p>
<p>seventh grade valedictorian?</p>
<p>No, I meant that I took geometry in the summer of seventh grade as a high school credit that shows up on my high school transcript. I just saw it on my official transcript today. I’m talking about high school.</p>