Honors Day and the Tapping on the Mound Ceremony

<p>Congrats to the honored students and parents! Half of those honoraries didn’t exist back in my day! Mortar Board was women only and ODK was men only. Order of Omegas started in 1975, I believe, the year after I graduated.</p>

<p>OK first time I get to brag since I have a freshman…</p>

<p>My daugher was one of only 10 to get the wonderful scholarship from Alpha Lambda Delta!</p>

<p>What a wonderful surprise when they announced her name. Best $60 I have ever spent.</p>

<p>thanks for letting me brag…:)</p>

<p>Great!!! Congrats to all!!!</p>

<p>^^^Congrats, buzymom. When son was inducted to ADL, some of his good friends that were female also received the scholarship. I too felt good that I had spent the money on that group, since I know those young ladies were very appreciative for the award.</p>

<p>Can’t tell you how good the timing is! Hubby is losing his job in the next week or two. I told D to put into an account that she won’t touch until next year. I know if she puts it into her regular account it will be gone before the end of the year. lol</p>

<p>Congratulations…Very cool…!</p>