Honors decisions/housing

<p>(e-mail to the honors program)</p>


<p>I was just wondering when notifications for honors are going to be sent

<p>Also, I am very interested in themed honors housing. Are inviations
included in the decision letter for the hillcrest dorms or other special
housing options?</p>




<p>Honors community offers are by invitation only, and I will contact you
IF you are selected. You cannot request Honors housing in your
residential life request.</p>

<p>Honors decisions have not yet gone out - I do not have an exact date,
but soon.</p>


<p>Russell B. Shrader
Assistant Director
Virginia Tech University Honors
116 Hillcrest Hall (0427)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
(540) 231-4591 v.
(540) 231-4522 f.
<a href="http://www.univhonors.vt.edu%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.univhonors.vt.edu&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For all of us rejected/waitlisted from UVA...let's hope for honors at least.</p>


<p>Amen and good luck!</p>

<p>An update - I called and honors decisions are being mailed out the end of this week.</p>


<p>I'm in NoVa so I should hear by Saturday.</p>



<p>Got the decision today - my s is in Honors. It says you cannot request Honors housing, they decide whether or not to ask you. whatever</p>

<p>hm, I got the pamplin leaders scholarship yesterday, but nothing from honors yet.</p>

<p>If you look up that scholarship on VT's site, it is listed in the Honors - so congratulations. </p>

<p>Are you nearing a decision yet?</p>

<p>Received letter today that I'm in Honors:)</p>


<p>HA! Me? A decision? Hardly!</p>

<p>I am going to look at RPI in a couple weeks, and then over to UVa for the Rodman scholars weekend. Maybe I will be a bit closer after that. RPI has some research I just love in so many areas, and that is one of the biggest factors in my decision because I want to go to a top grad school. But, they are gonna have to cough up some money before i go there.</p>

<p>then again.... I just read that a couple of VT profs just solves pure Yang Mills in 2+ 1 dimensions! As a person that is torn between a major in EE/Applied physics for nanotech and related fields and going all out in <em>very</em> theoretical physics that is seriously cool news. The philosophical side of string theory keeps tugging at me, and VT has one string theory and 2 YM guys.... then again the M&M program at RPI does some killer stuff with AI and philosophy, and the director of the program thinks he solved P=NP. Not that I even remotely believe I will be far along enough as an undergrad to work on that kind of stuff...</p>

<p>Can you tell why I am having such a hard time? :-p. Basically, I love to think and be challenged, and I think I will be happy in that regard no matter what I do. My first love was EE, and I will never forget that when making my decision, but sometimes I just don't know...</p>

<p>so yeah... quintupple major anyone? haha, I'm just kidding.</p>

<p>that was a 5 second glimpse of the intense decision making process I am working out. Speaking of decisions... mmmm, logic....</p>

<p>OMG, you are in another spectrum! I'll keep looking you up to see where you end up. I hope you post your final choice somewhere. </p>

<p>If you look on your application status page for VT, the financial aid is posted so maybe the money will help you in that decision, although you can't beat the whole instate price anyway. That Pamplin Leaders (for VA residents only) is only for $1000, but you have to be one of those to qualify for the Pamplin Scholars your next 3 years and that is for full tuition. </p>

<p>RPI is a great school as well although the male/female ratio is still somewhat lacking. Two of my friends' sons attend and love the school. I forgot what their majors are - one of them is into designing green cars of some sort (Idk, my eyes glazed over and only the word "car" stuck).</p>

<p>Make yourself a pros/cons list and take your time filling it out. Be great if you could meet the professors that you might be working with. Personalities can be another important factor.</p>

<p>Good luck to you - I think my s has pretty much decided on VT. It was always his favorite along w/ Cornell. Since he didn't get Cornell,......</p>

<p>Yeah, Cornell was big on my list too. Actually my #1 was Olin, but I never really believed I could get in there. I thought I had a shot at Cornell, but ehh it'll be ok. They have a neat Engineering Physics program that is very different from the one at RPI that I would have died for.</p>

<p>I'll check that fin aid, thanks for the heads up</p>

<p><em>edit</em> I checked my package and they are giving me a fair one. If I use the given 11500-14000 /year price, pick a cheap housing plan, use my pamplin and my grants from the package, that brings me down to around $7500 + laptop + books. and thats before finding out about honors/general scholarships or outside scholarships (of which I applied to quite a few). Enticing...</p>

<p>I was actually considering applying to RPI and Cornell too but never got around to it.</p>

<p>btw, what are your stats (GPA/SAT), ehiunno?</p>

<p>Ehiunno, figure that the laptop is a one-time expense (although a big one), and good golly, the numbers sound fantastic. Yet another item to add to your Pros/Cons list!!!</p>

<p>I thought you were a given at Cornell, but who knows what they were thinking. You'll get a great education at any of these schools, and opportunities are available at each of them that should satisfy your "bent". Having said that, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes and have to make the choice between three great schools!</p>

<p>I got in!</p>

<p>so...anybody know when we hear about aid/housing?</p>


<p>my stats are the poor part of my app to all my schools and probably what kept me out of Cornell. GPA is 3.52 UW and 4.12W with a 34 ACT (35 math, 35 sci, 33 soc studies, 31 verb). I also had a 790 Math iic and a 750 physics.</p>

<p>Rest of Stats:
I also had an internship at NASA where my research got invited to an international conference on acoustics, and I am currently doing an internship at Jefferson Labs. I run a sound engineering company with my dad and we work for local jazz shows and festivals and I have been playing electric bass since 6th grade. My music is actually kinda what pushed me into EE, I have been independently studying circuit theory and E&M since 10th grade and have designed a couple of pre-amps. Prez of Math Honors Society, couple of local/regional math contest awards, Sec Gen of MUN, bunch of regional/national MUN awards. Swimming/Diving 9, 10, 11 grade, surfing since I was 7.</p>

<p>haha, maybe you can tell why I don't have such a great GPA. I never really cared about my grades until this year (I have all A's senior year). I never really did much homework or anything in 9/10/11 and kind of skated by with A's and B's and focused my time afterschool on stuff that interested me like E&M and music.</p>