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<p>^ I completely agree with this. At my school, AP Lang isn’t offered, but juniors in honors English take the exam – many of us did very well last year; I got a 4 with no preparation (and English isn’t my strongest subject).</p>

<p>M2ck, do you know if we are able to get more credits/place out of different classes is we take both the AP English Lit and AP English Lang exams? On the chart on UA’s website, it only says “English,” so I’m wondering what the deal is if you’ve taken both exams or if it matters which one you take.</p>

<p>regina: my D took both tests with qualifying scores & only got credit for one test. The only bummer with her experience in AP credit at UA. No double dipping for English :(</p>

<p>That’s disappointing :frowning: it would be awesome to get those extra credits! However, this means I don’t have to worry about trying to prepare for my AP Lit exam, so I can’t complain too much! If you only have a qualifying score on one, it doesn’t matter which it is, correct?</p>

<p>Sad face here, too, for English. Only got a 3 on AP and had to take Eng 102. We were thrilled with the B+ son achieved in the class. It was rough going. Everything else, straight A’s and A+'s. Sad face because it kept him off the President’s List, even though he worked so, so hard. Thrilled that he made the Dean’s List, though, since many of his engineering buddies didn’t even make that list. Don’t let anyone tell you Bama is an easy school. It is not!</p>

<p>@ Regina: since you’ve already got a 4 on one test, you’ll get out of EN 101 & 102. A 3, as Montegut says, only gets you out of EN 101. </p>

<p>@ Montegut: that stinks about the President’s list, but at least he placed out of one EN class. That’s out of the way now; bet he felt about that class like my D felt about her math class ;)</p>

<p>My apologies, I worded my question badly – I meant, if you only take/score highly on one of the AP English exams, does it matter whether it’s Lit or Lang? They both place you out of the same classes, correct?</p>

<p>Montegut – congrats to your son on making Dean’s List! It’s certainly disappointing to have one class hold you back (physics is currently ruining my senior year), but he should definitely be proud of the grade he received!</p>

<p>The AP chart doesn’t specify English Lit or Lang. I wish they would consider giving a literature credit for AP English Literature. Other colleges do.</p>

<p>Doesn’t matter which one. They both count as the English AP per the UA credit page. They don’t make a distinction on the page as to Language or Literature.</p>

<p>Y’all are so sweet. Luckily, my son is not driven by grades, and as long as he maintains the GPA required for his scholarship, we are happy.</p>

<p>He did enjoy his English class, liked the teacher. Writing papers is just not his forte.</p>

<p>He’s currently taking a humanities elective that he was interested in, but it, too, is a bear, so won’t be surprised if there’s no President’s List again, but at least he’s taking a class he’s interested in. It’s Intro to Fine Arts, section limited to engineering majors, and there are mostly upperclassmen in there with him, so he thinks that’s kind of cool. But he has to do a lot of art projects, (the dreaded P word in our house), so it’s a lot of work. </p>

<p>On the positive side, he’s finally gone to some concerts at Moody and even got credit for attending Pixelcon. Now, how cool is that? We won’t be angry if he gets a B, although we do hope he gets an A. </p>

<p>He sometimes wishes he had taken Music Appreciation like his buddies who were looking for an easy A, but I know he would have been bored to tears in that class.</p>

<p>Now that I’ve totally derailed this thread, sorry, guys. </p>

<p>I can tell you that Bama does not give CLEP credit for English Comp. Believe me, we checked.</p>

<p>I think I remember from last year that someone wanted to get credit for their AP Human Geography class. They were successful. </p>

<p>Does anyone know who they asked to make it happen? It would be great if UA would give consider giving literature credit for AP Lit. My daughter has taken both Lit and Lang.</p>

<p>*The AP chart doesn’t specify English Lit or Lang. I wish they would consider giving a literature credit for AP English Literature. Other colleges do. *</p>

<p>Some may…but, really, many schools do not. </p>

<p>As for the credit, it doesn’t matter which AP English, if you get a 3, you get credit for Frosh Comp I and if you get a 4/5, you get credit for both classes.</p>

<p>Thanks, y’all! :smiley: You guys and gals are great!</p>

<p>I’m not sure DS should place out of any and all freshman comp. Humanities people need all the writing instruction / experience they can get…they’re gonna be writing a LOT of term papers, so they might as well get used to it.</p>

<p>DS took Expository Writing at local CC last semester. Tried to take the followup course this semester, but it was full. :frowning: He’ll probably take the followup this summer. Hoping this will place him into the more advanced frosh comp class at Bama. He needs more experience with research-based writing, documenting his sources, differentiating between documented, substantiated claims and his own opinions, etc. :)</p>

<p>Good thinking, LadyDi. Even though we were disappointed son had to take English, it will probably be for the best. Since he plans to attend grad school, and English/writing has never been his forte, it’s for the best that he did have to take a college level English course. Same with his calculus. He struggled in math in high school, and even though he got the AP credit for Calc I, he took the course. He had an excellent teacher at Bama last semester, and is doing well so far in Calc II. Of course, he’s an engineering major, so we thought a good math background was crucial for his studies. If your son is leaning towards the humanities, you’re probably going to want to do the same thing with his humanities foundation work. Good luck to you and your son! I know he’ll do great at Bama!</p>

<p>*DS took Expository Writing at local CC last semester. Tried to take the followup course this semester, but it was full. He’ll probably take the followup this summer. Hoping this will place him into the more advanced frosh comp class at Bama. *</p>

<p>Unless the course is a Frosh Comp course, I don’t think it will place him in the next level.</p>

<p>You can check with Bama to find out which course at your CC counts for Frosh Comp I. Then, if your son takes that class over the summer, he can move on to the next level.</p>

<p>The only reason why I suggest trying to start at a point beyond frosh comp I is that that class can be very boring for a student who has had a good writing foundation. </p>

<p>Another option is this…your son probably qualifies for English 103…</p>

<p>EN 103 Advanced English Composition. 3 hours.</p>

<p>This is an accelerated freshman composition course that is open to students with minimum composite scores of 28 ACT or 1240 SAT, or minimum ACT English scores of 30 or SAT verbal scores of 720. With the appropriate qualifying scores and the completion of EN 103 with a grade of “C-“ or higher, placement credit is awarded for EN 101 and the general education requirement for freshman composition is completed. Expository writing. Topics to be determined by each instructor. Grades are reported as “A,” “B,” “C,” or “NC” (“No Credit”). A grade of “C-” is required as a prerequisite for advancing to another English course at The University of Alabama. EN 103 does not apply as credit to the English major or minor.</p>

<p>so…En 103 will also kill 2 birds with one stone. For a student like your son, that would be better than starting with 101. Your son knows the basics…he knows how to write a thesis statement, supporting points, and a conclusion. He knows how to cite references. He’d be bored silly in En 101.</p>

<p>^^^As I mentioned in another thread, my son took a very creative section of English 103 in the fall (Advanced English Comp-- Comic Books and Cartoons: Analyzing the Political and Social Arguments of Visual Rhetoric). The class had 18 students, it was his favorite course, and the instructor, Melissa Hull, was awesome. He’s a very proficient writer, yet found the course valuable and engaging.</p>

<p>Wow, malanai, that course sounds awesome. My son would have loved that. His Fine Arts for Engineering class involves reading an excellent graphic novel, Sandman. </p>

<p>As mentioned above, LadyDi, look for either an Eng 102 or Eng 103 section that your son will enjoy. If you have to take Eng Comp, you might as well have some fun doing it.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>*As mentioned above, LadyDi, look for either an Eng 102 or Eng 103 section *</p>

<p>I don’t know if her son can take Eng 102.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, y’all! mom2ck, DS has an SAT composite of 1390, so it sounds as if he would qualify for Eng 103. (His CR was only 690, though. :() Will check with Bama. Thanks again for all your help and guidance.</p>

<p>Montegut – who was the excellent Calc prof? Maybe DS can get into his class. He’s had Calc in home school, but he can certainly use a refresher.</p>

<p>Malanai – DS wants to write a term paper on “How Stan Lee Transformed Comic Books.” He’s very interested in the “relevance” trend in comic books and cartoons, LOL! Sounds as if he’d love that Eng 103 class. :)</p>

<p>i think the calc teacher was paul allen - i think my DD was in the same class.</p>

<p>she isn’t having quite as good a time in calc II. seems to be the prof makes ALL the difference!!</p>

<p>Like M2CK recommended to someone else in this thread, I looked into taking the AP English exam so I could get the credit and not have to take the two freshman comp classes. I read that the scores would not be back until June. I have an early Bama Bound, May 27. So at this would I register for the two classes and then after the scores are back and say I do score a 4 would I be able to get it fixed easily?</p>