Honors Housing Question

<p>Freshman son is in East AJ Honors Community... great dorm and good year so far, but for various reasons would like to move off campus next year. Anyone have any insight as to how to get out of the 2 year commitment without either tanking his GPA or dropping out of Honors completely? He's really between a rock and a hard place as there is a good chance based on his GPA this semester that he will fall just short of the 3.5 GPA, but won't know until the end of the year, at which point his apartment and roommate options will be very limited. However, we don't want to sign a lease for him if there's a chance he will have to fulfill the 2 years in the dorm. We would all really prefer he continue in the honors program, even if he's not in the dorm. Help?</p>

<p>If I recall correctly the RAs will come by after winter break to have residents sign the housing contracts for next year. If your son knows he has an issue with staying the 2nd year I’d suggest he discuss his concerns with his RA. I think they would let him out if he has a good reason. If it’s not a good reason they probably will counsel him to reconsider. No one wants a malcontent in the dorm but when you make a commitment you should live up to it unless there’s a really good reason not to do so.</p>