<p>Anyone know when the Honors I/Harrison admission decision will be mailed?</p>
<p>The website says the decisions will be mailed by the 22nd.</p>
<p>Ive heard that they’re pretty good at getting the decisions out either on the 22nd or the day after. Im so nervous!!</p>
<p>The letters have to leave the office by the 22nd, so you should hear sometime soon! Good luck. :)</p>
<p>I wonder if an African American such as myself w/ a 3.4uw gpa top 20% and 1930 sat 1350 combined will get it…
i do have a ton of EC at national levels and am a national achievement semi-finalist</p>
<p>i think we are supposed to hear tom</p>
<p>has anyone received anything yet?</p>
<p>To answer your question ivayhopeful, MU lists the stats for its incoming harrison scholar class and honors class on its website. </p>
<p>[MU</a> Honors&Scholars](<a href=“http://casnov1.cas.muohio.edu/honors/honors/admission.html]MU”>http://casnov1.cas.muohio.edu/honors/honors/admission.html)</p>
<p>And I won’t be able to check my mail for a week so I wouldnt know if I got anything from them or not. Good luck!</p>
<p>we shall see nothing in the mail yet!</p>
<p>My son’s came today, in northeastern Ohio. According to the letter, they awarded 23 out of approximately 1100 applicants.</p>
<p>did he get it?</p>
<p>and if i haven’t gotten anything in the mail yet…should i be worried???</p>
<p>Mail came. Got into honors, not harrison though</p>
<p>I didn"t get any mail from miami today and i live in ohio!!! Should i be worried???</p>
<p>Don’t worry ivay, I haven’t received any mail either. I’m actually starting to wonder why there is a delay.</p>
<p>aahhh i’m so anxious!!</p>
<p>With them being sent out in the holiday mail, I wouldn’t sweat it quite yet. Hopefully, you will get it tomorrow. Yes, he did get it.</p>
<p>what were his stats/ec’s</p>
<p>honors yes Harrison no</p>
<p>yeah me too ivayhopeful</p>