Honors Math Necessary?


I’m an incoming freshman to LSA and I want to major in Math. I am currently signed up for Math 115 since I only got a 4 on AB calc and I am not in Honors. I intend to reapply for Honors after first semester or talk to advisors to take honors classes later on.

My question is: How big a deal is taking honors Maths at Michigan, and will it be detrimental to no start in an Honors sequence?

Thank you!

I believe that taking honors math will be inconsequential to an application to LSA Honors. Related, there are more than one math honors sequence as noted below. The standard is challenging enough for most students. The Honors Math Sequence starting with Math 295 is especially challenging. All the honors sequences require math approval.

•Standard Calculus Sequence (MATH 115-116-215)
•Applied Honors Calculus Sequence (MATH 156-285-286)
•Honors Seminar MATH Sequence (MATH 175-176-285-286)
•Honors Calculus Sequence (MATH 185-186-285-286)
•Honors MATH Sequence (MATH 295-296-395-396).

Why would your reapply to Honors after first semester? You can always join the Honors Program your junior year if you declare an Honors major in Math.

The Honors Program doesn’t require you to do that. You could get an honors major in anything without having ever taken an honors class in that subject. You could switch into the honors program your junior year, which many do. You don’t have to switch into it after your first semester to graduate with Honors, unless you want to. Talk to your advisor! And let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

Ok thank you for the help! My advisor told me it didn’t matter as well, but since I am an incoming freshman of course I do not believe him!
I plan on talking to a math advisor first semester as well for the expert opinon.