Honors programs

<p>How do we find out about University Honors Program or the individual college's programs?</p>

<p>University Honors Program (UHP) is being discontinued after the 2011-2012 academic year. They are decentralizing the honors programs to each College. Don’t know what the critia’s going to be.</p>

<p>thats very interesting</p>

<p>Here’s a link to the most current article I can find on the subject. It’s from July 2011:[Purdue</a> Newsroom - Savaiano appointed interim dean of new Honors College](<a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/academics/2011/110725SandsHonorsdean.html]Purdue”>Savaiano appointed interim dean of new Honors College)
According to the article, they are discontinuing the UHP after the 2012-13 academic year, but will be replacing it with the Honors College, which is envisioned to be significantly larger than the UHP, and more centralized, not less. Unless the plan has changed drastically since July, and john14ty66 knows something I don’t…</p>

<p>Here’s a more recent article on the honors program changes: [Purdue</a> Today - Honors College task force focusing on student success and outcomes](<a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/purduetoday/faculty_staff_news/2011/111031_HonCollUpdate.html]Purdue”>Honors College task force focusing on student success and outcomes)
Again, they won’t take effect until fall of 2013, so current applicants would still be seeing the current UHP.</p>

<p>it will be interesting to see what happens with fall 2012 students – my son is waiting to hear more on scholarships/honors programs. Anyone know about the Scholars day? We are going to it, but don’t know if it reflects any likelihood of getting into the honors program.</p>

<p>So would we be taking classes together with our honors group?</p>

<p>Currently UHP is quite small - I think something like 140 freshman. It includes the option of a living/learning community called Lyceum. I suspect a good number of the UHP students are in engineering and choose the engineering honors learning community, rather than Lyceum, if they choose a learning community at all. UHP offers a number of honors seminars (kind of interdisciplinary in nature) each semester. My daughter, who is in engineering, hasn’t taken any, so I can’t comment on them, except to say that many of them sound interesting. (You can find info on the honors seminars on the UHP website.) In order to stay in UHP, you need to take a certain number of honors credits; they don’t have to be honors seminars - my daughter took honors chem and honors engineering. You also have to participate in a certain number of honors activities. I know they had a full-day retreat at the beginning of the year, and I think a Thanksgiving dinner, but I don’t know what the other activities were. The biggest perk of UHP is priority registration. Since you register before everyone else - grad students included - you can pretty much put together your dream schedule. (My daughter really appreciated that after having class at 7:30 four mornings a week fall semester.)
As for the relationship between UHP, Trustees scholarships and Beering invitations - I’m pretty sure they are selected via independent processes. However, the number of students in all three groups is similar (I’m talking invitations to apply for Beering, actual Beering scholarship is a very small number - four last year), and they’re being chosen from the same pool of students, so there’s obviously a lot of overlap between the three groups.<br>
As you know, the whole honors program will be overhauled for fall 2013, but I assume that it will be unchanged for students entering in fall 2012.</p>

<p>Hmm, maybe the honors college is starting in 2013, but I could have sworn the honors coordinator told us freshman that we were the last UHPers. Anyhow, I remember that I was not invited to the scholars day, but i still got into UHP and received the presidential and other miscellanious purdue scholarships. Good luck with those scholarships guys!</p>

<p>The UHP may not be accepting students for the upcoming year (it’s typical when a program is being altered or discontinued). Honestly, the UHP is one of the most worthless parts of Purdue’s curriculum in my opinion. A lot of college students (and parents for that matter) don’t realize that once you graduate, having a little quip from UHP is almost worthless. It’s the university name on the degree that will get you anywhere. It’s a lot of added responsibility and time commitments in already rigorous course loads.</p>

<p>I am a student, applied for 2012-2013 admissions. You have to be invited to UHP, you can’t apply. I already got an invitation, it came along with my Trustees scholarship letter. </p>

<p>Anyone know anything about 1) Beering Scholarship invites 2) Scholars day?</p>


<p>I got the UHP invite with my Trustees award…</p>

<p>Son received the UHP invite two days ago–nothing on scholarships though. That may be a problem. He will be a CS major. Top of his class with unweighted 4.0–though his ACT score was a 33–so maybe not high enough.</p>

<p>Interesting…my son got the UHP invite 2 days ago as well, and got the invite to apply for Beering a few weeks ago. However, no word on scholarships. 4.0 GPA unweighted, 36 ACT, 800 Math, 800 Verbal, 720 Writing. Really hoping something comes through. Is it a bit unusual to get invitied to these two without receiving notice about a scholarship?</p>

<p>Update- son received Trustee today! In-State worth 10K per year. Very happy for him. Came three days after notice of Honors off- so I think many are likely linked. No mention of Beering but they only give about 4 or so of those a year. Web site indicates about 100 Trustee awards per year- so very fortunate.</p>

<p>we just got back from Purdue’s Scholars Day. The university presented their plan to start an Honors College in fall 2013, but the 2012 honors freshmen from the various colleges as well as the UHP will be eligible to join the college in 2013 as well. They will cluster housing into one dorm as well to more closely align the group of kids.</p>

<p>The honors requirements appear to vary by college. For my son, the computer science requirements are a college honors seminar freshman year as well as three department courses which include an honors research project by senior year.</p>