hopelessly devoted to... Stanford. (chances? please?)

<p>I know, I know. It’s too late to change anything (I applied SCEA), but I can’t help my anxiety… please chance me so I’ll have a bit of a better idea of what to expect. (aaah)</p>

female, 1/2 Asian, fluent in English, functional in Korean
I live in an overwhelmingly white suburban town in MA</p>

graduating class of 184
very wealthy demographic (but my family is by no means wealthy)</p>

4.43 (weighted, 4.5 scale), 3.9something (unweighted)
probably second in class (but my school doesn’t officially rank)</p>

I’ve taken the toughest courseload offered at my school and will graduate having taken 5 AP's (all the ones that I could take at my school plus one extra online). </p>

<p>My senior year schedule is:
APUSH, AP AB Calc, AP French Lang, AP English lit, Honors Physics, Honors Economics, Honors Organic BioChem, Music Theory II, Honors Concert Band</p>

SAT - 2370 (800 writing, 790 CR, 780 math)... I only took them once.
SAT Subjects - 740 lit, 710 math2 (blech. I’m taking more in December, but these are the one’s that Stanford’s seeing)</p>

New England Conservatory Prep School Youth Symphony Orchestra (11-12)
Massachusetts Youth Wind Ensemble (10-12)
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra (10)
North Shore Youth Symphony Select Flute Choir (Principal Flute) (9-11)
Church Youth Group (I’ve done a LOT of church-related comm. service) (9-12)
International Club (11-12)
School Bible Study (9-12)
Pep Band/Concert Band (Principal Flute, section leader) (9-12)
Freshman Mentor (12)
National History Day Mentor (12)
Science Fair Mentor (12)</p>

<p>I'm a music geek :) I play flute and piano (both quite competitively.. I actually considered going the conservatory track until this past year). I teach flute lessons to a 6th grade girl, I've accompanied lots of things on both flute and piano, etc.</p>

National Merit Semi-Finalist
Highest Academic Honor Roll every semester
School Science Fair Honorable Mention (9)
Regional History Day Competition Honorable Mention (11)
Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award (11)
Wellesley College Book Award (11)
MA NE District Concert Band (9-11)
MA All-State Band (11)
Nomination for All-Eastern Concert Band (11)</p>

<p>Other Stuff:
I've done a lot of international travel (especially in the past few years) and most recently, went on a mission trip to Thailand this summer.
I submitted an arts supplement in flute.</p>

Counselor – probably good, we’re pretty tight.
Chemistry – good, one of my favorite teachers in high school
U. S. History – good, another of my favorite teachers
Arts – glowing :) from my flute teacher</p>

I think they’re pretty well-written. I put a lot of thought into them and focused a lot on my commitment to diversity and building bridges between cultures (connecting that to my career goals of international business). I had a few people read them, and they all liked.</p>

<p>oh lord.
i apologize for the unwieldy length of that post :/</p>

<p>you have as good a chance as anyone else who is applying… maybe even better. good luck!</p>

<p>i just found out about a girl who was at the top of her class, SATs well into the 2300s, 15 APs all with 5s, tons of awards, great essays and recs, and got rejected scea. it looks like you have as good of a shot as any, but just remember stanford tends to crush dreams more than grant wishes.</p>

<p>i do wish you good luck though</p>

<p>thanks :slight_smile:
i guess it’s just a matter of keeping it real and trying to keep myself sane for the next month…</p>

<p>you defz have an excellent chance
but sadly, stanford is never for sure</p>

<p>These threads only serve to make me sad about my own chances :(</p>

<p>Why do people with 2370 SATs feel the need to ask if they have a chance?</p>

<p>:( sorry, i didn’t mean to come across as egotistical or anything. i guess all of you are just as anxious as i am…</p>

<p>but seriously, 2370 really means nothing. plenty of people who scored 2400s have been denied, and i’m sure that a good number of people with “bad” scores have been accepted. there’s so much more to a person than their scores, and i’m pretty sure colleges can see that (especially stanford, because it’s just awesome).</p>



<p>That seems semi-unbelievable unless the awards weren’t of any value…</p>

<p>No, ^ it might be true. I heard God applied to Stanford and got rejected because his ‘passion’ didn’t come through on the application. It’s in one of the deleted passages from The Bible.</p>

<p>chaucer i remember hearing about that too. and i was being completely serious about what i said before, i know its unbelievable but thats what stanford is like.</p>

<p>@ #10, I agree. But the thing is that essays and recommendations are subjective and probably weren’t exceptional. Plus the person may not have conveyed a fit for Stanford? Who knows. It’s a crap shoot.</p>

<p>^^^HAHAHAHAHA. seriously, i think stanford would be the only school with the tenacity to deny God.</p>

<p>What do you reckon God would want his future roommate–and Stanford–to know about him?</p>


<p>10 char</p>

<p>woot History Day!!! what category/division?</p>

<p>i did a group documentary. so much work, but so much fun. and it’s nice to be able to spew out random facts about a pretty obscure topic.</p>

<p>Nice. I did group doc 7th and 8th grade, but i did mostly performance in high school.</p>

<p>holy **** by the look of those stats I don’t think I have a chance</p>