Hoping to transfer for the fall of 2018

Hi! I know it is crazy early in the year to already be wanting to transfer. I’ve always wanted to be a Hokie. I got denied admission my senior year of high school and I’m now currently a freshman at a small liberal arts college. I couldn’t find any discussions for the fall so I hope some people come across this and we can discuss the transfer process!

I wasn’t a transfer but my advice is just keep up your grades and make sure the courses you are taking mirror whatever the curriculum is for the major you want at VT and you will have a good shot. Best of luck

Hi! I’m hoping to transfer to VT too as it is my dream school. I also got denied admission as a senior and I am now a freshman at Radford. I’m currently a Bio major, but because I realised I’m more into psych and better at, im switching to psychology. I really hope i get in for fall 2018!!!