Humanities Transfer

Hi, I’m a first semester freshman at a women’s college in Virginia. Definitely not the school for me, and I’ve already applied to transfer in for the spring semester. My application is really strong, but there’s one issue; I don’t have a full semester of grades to submit, just one class that I completed as a short session course (which I luckily got an A in). I was able to also hype up in my essays that I did very, very well in high school, and my AP scores were strong as well. I’m wondering if I might be more likely to get in because I applied to Religion and Culture instead of a more competitive program like engineering or business. It is, for lack of a better word, one of the most unpopular majors at the university, which is hopefully good news for my admission. Anybody have experience transferring in as a first semester freshman, or for humanities at all? Thanks so much <3

hi! i applied to transfer in the spring as well, but I am a second year student. Have you received any notifications from vt? i would say u have a fair shot, since they likely have space in your major.

Hi! I have not received any notifications yet. I actually toured yesterday (absolutely LOVED the campus), and the admissions counselor was emphatic when he said spring transfers should be getting decisions VERY soon. How about you? Any decisions yet? And what major did you apply to?

I applied engineering, which is p competitive, so Im nervous. Hopefully they come out within the week.