Hoping to transfer to A&M

<p>I'm about to start my freshman year of college here in Massachusetts, I wanted to go to A&M but got rejected. Does anyone have some good advise on how I'll be able to transfer after this year or during my sophomore year?</p>

<p>You didn’t give a whole lot of information. Do you know what kept you from being accepted? Did you see if maybe you could get in as a Blinn transfer? I would contact the admissions department and talk to someone about your best course forward. If you’re going to a college in Mass., you should check out your major/degree plan, and find the equivalent at A&M and move as progress as far as you can with as high a gpa as you can. That’s probably your best shot if you can’t get into one of the transfer programs from Blinn or San Jacinto or something.</p>

<p>I didn’t really have the best GPA in high school, a 2.5 GPA, and no I haven’t looked at that, I wanted to stay close to home for now. But I’ll try to get at least a 3.5 gpa at the college I’m going to and applying if I reach that goal.</p>

<p>There is good info on the TAMU admissions page with links to transfer requirements for each college - you apply to the individual college for transfer admission. Your first priority would be to complete as many classes as possible toward the core requirements for your intended major. 24 hours, 3.0+ GPA are the basis for many majors. Look for the general degree track chart and find the degree plan for your major. Also make sure you are taking transferable courses at your current school.</p>