Horrible GPA , chances?

<p>SAT : 2000
GPA : 3.1
ECS: (just important ones) President, Treasurer, Student newspaper
Resident of NY</p>

<p>Your GPA is way below Binghamton's average GPA: 90-93. </p>

<p>Unless that GPA includes every single possible honors or AP's your school offers, the chances are low -- there have been suprises, however, so try!</p>

<p>your gpa wont look terrible because the sat will overshadow it. you have decent shot.about 70%</p>

<p>what was the breakdown of your SAT?</p>

<p>Dont have the exact breakdown cause its a prediction.
So do I have a chance?
EC also includes community service hours (less than 100 though) , student government position, summer college program</p>

<p>... I really wont get in cause of my GPA?</p>

<p>No you'll most likely get in</p>

<p>The 3.1GPA is a B, no? It's really not that bad, as long as colleges see you have some comprehension on the given materials. Is there are upward trend in the GPA or is it steady?</p>

<p>err ok -> bad -> better -> a little worse -> a little better
.. yea :(</p>

<p>SUNY Bing - Match/Safety/Reach?

<p>match, maybe even a safety. don't sweat it, you're prob in mang.</p>

<p>But I have a bad GPA!! Everyone tells me that I have to go to a really crappy school cause my GPA is too low!!</p>

<p>wait wut is 3.1 in terms of 1-100 grade? wuts an 88 average?</p>

<p>probably an 86</p>

<p>Out of 100 a 3.1 is approximately a 77.5 (just multiply by 25). You have a good SAT score but the GPA is low. Do you go to a competitive high school? Because Bing really likes certain ones in NY...Regardless, I think it's a target/reach for you. Also, when did you apply, because they have rolling admissions?</p>

<p>A 3.1 is normally am 86, but it if was a 77.5 he wouldnt have a chance at Bing, not even close to a 77.5 at most schools.</p>

<p>Hmm...the way the gpa is calculated could change depending on your high school. What are your grades like in terms of letters?</p>

<p>Depending on your SAT breakdown (Say, if you have a 1350 on verbal/math), I'd definitely consider Bing a match/safety for you.</p>

<p>its not a 77.5.. its an 86
Its not calculated by letters</p>