HORRIBLE Junior year... do I still have a chance?

<p>Out of state (MD)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White</p>

<p>GPA: 3.66 - 3.57 UW, 4.45 - 4.29ish W
Junior year is a freaking disaster. Right now it looks like I'm getting Bs in 2 classes and a C in another.</p>

<p>SAT is currently 2020, but my retake scores will be in in two days and should be much better. </p>

<p>Freshman GPA: 3.57
Soph GPA: 3.86
Junior GPA: 3.57 - 3.29 <em>retch</em></p>

<p>APs taken (Plus grade and AP score if I have it)</p>

<p>AP Gov (A, 4)
WHAP ( A or B, 4)
CALC AB (C, 3)
English 11 AP (A, 5)
APES (A, 5)
Biology (Senior year)
AP Euro (Senior year)
English 12 AP (Senior year)
AP Stat (Senior year)</p>

<p>Recs: Not applicable</p>

<p>Essays: Will be amazing</p>

<p>Income bracket: 100K+</p>

7 years of Taekwondo (1st degree black belt) </p>

<p>4 years of XC
1 year indoor track
2 years outdoor track</p>

<p>Been raising endangered species of cichlids (a kind of fish) since age 12</p>

<p>2 years designing seminars for adolescents helping to teach them about aquatic ecosystems</p>

<p>Docent of Education at the National Aquarium in Washington DC for the summer of 2011</p>

<p>Published an article in the American Cichlid association's journal at age 13, won CARES Conservation Program member of the year for my article. </p>

<p>Please tell me my **** GPA hasn't doomed me.</p>

<p>You should still be fine, your SAT is way above the average (1800ish), and they look at your first semester grades from next year, so if you do better senior year, then they won’t look at your GPA as having a downward trend.</p>

<p>:D good- My Senior GPA will be hilariously awesome, half of those AP classes are total BS.</p>

<p>The UW will also be very happy that you’ll be paying out of state tuition.</p>

<p>I won’t be too thrilled though :S do they give ANY need-based aid?</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance, especially if you can get your SAT up. Your cichlid EC seems really interesting.</p>

<p>I don’t know too much about financial aid at the UW but dig into this</p>

<p>[Student</a> Office of Financial Aid](<a href=“Student Financial Aid”>Student Financial Aid)</p>

<p>I was told that UW doesn’t look at first semester senior grades. Now wizards says they do. Does anyone have a definitive fact on this matter?</p>

<p>Just to clarify, UW does NOT look at your first semester grades for senior year.
They only get to see your grades up until junior year (since technically when you apply, you wouldn’t be able to put down the grades in your classes because you wouldn’t be done with first semester yet).</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry too much about your junior year grades because usually junior year is considered the hardest out of all four years of high school. Just don’t continue having a downward trend in your senior year and you should be fine.</p>

<p>^Sophomore year was the hardest for me. Is that bad?</p>

<p>Well from personal experience, I thought junior year was the hardest but it can vary from person to person ^^. So I wouldn’t consider it bad to think that sophomore year was the hardest because it really depends on the classes you took and how your own school is structured in terms of the classes and teachers.</p>

<p>Well, I intentionally lightened my schedule load before junior year. I regret it now, but I’m just worried about whether it will jeopardize UW’s opinion of me :l</p>

<p>WHAP is officially an A :D</p>

<p>Now to wait for that physics grade to come back :S</p>

<p>Awesome… my critical reading score dropped 40 points… on the bright side, my math score jumped 100! New SAT score is 2070 (ugh) I’m taking the ACT from now on >:(</p>

<p>There’s no need to worry. I’m almost positive you’ll get in. My gpa was higher than yours, but my sat’s weren’t as high as yours. Plus, your extracurriculars are great. Just make sure you don’t bomb the essay and you will be all set.
Plus, I got tons of financial aid from UW - so just fill out the FAFSA when it comes out. :)</p>