Hotel Finance vs AEM Finance

<p>Are there any appreciable differences between the Hotel School's intro Finance course (HADM 2250) (for non-Hotel-majors) with Ukhov and AEM's intro Finance course (AEM 3240) with Curtis?</p>

<p>I'm looking for differences in rigor, material-covered, how the course looks to potential employers and how prepared the course makes you for performing in interviews/understanding the foundations.</p>

<p>Not a Cornell student, but I’d imagine the AEM class looks better to employers since the AEM program is looked upon as a more selective and overall better program than the Hotel Management school. </p>

<p>HADM 2250’s course description is as follows:


<p>AEM 3240’s course description is as follows:


<p>It looks to me like 3240 is far more comprehensive and covers way more topics than 2250. 2250 is also a three credit course, while 3240 is four credits, which suggests there is more content and rigor in the 2250 class.</p>

<p>Also, knowing what college you’re in would probably be beneficial too.</p>

<p>Thanks! Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?</p>

<p>I’m an AEM major and was taking AEM finance at the same time one of my Hotelie housemates was taking Hotelie finance (intro not RE) and it’s SO different. </p>

<p>AEM finance is far more rigorous and covers way more topics than Hotelie finance. By the time I was studying for my second prelim, my friend was still on time value of money (which AEM finance was done with by the first prelim). Prof Curtis is super strict and goes really fast, but you learn A LOT from that man. He is a great lecturer - goes into detail when he understands that people are confused - and an asset to AEM. I don’t know about the Hotel prof, but I’m sure he’s more lenient than Curtis ever is. </p>

<p>That said, however, AEM requires only ONE semester of finance whereas the Hotel School has two semesters of Finance - Intro and Real Estate. If you only have one semester to take finance, I’d recommend AEM finance. If you have two semesters, ask yourself if you’d prefer learning corporate finance (AEM) or real estate finance (Hotelie).</p>

<p>I can’t say much about AEM finance, but Ukhov is an amazing professor. I had him for HADM 4260: Advanced Corporate Finance and it was my favorite class at Cornell. The class was a mix of students, mainly Hotel and AEM. I’m a current hotel school student thats minoring in real estate and concentrating in finance (investment banking and securitization). If you want to know more, feel free to send me a message.</p>