Hotel near Stanford

<p>I'm looking for suggestions for a hotel for my d and me near Stanford, we'll be in Sonoma for her to dance mid-January and figured we'll tour the campus while we're in the neighborhood. Safe and clean are priorities, brand doesn't matter :) thanks!</p>

<p>the four seasons is right across the street.</p>

<p>This is a small European style hotel that is more affordable than many. It is on California Avenue. [Hotel</a> California](<a href=“Welcome -”></p>

<p>[</a> - adjacent to Stanford University](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>is another one, literally across the street from campus. Stanford Terrace is a bit more traditional hotel.</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> to the Stanford Guest House - Stanford University](<a href=“]Welcome”></p>

<p>they have pretty good rates and it’s clean and feels pretty darn safe since there’s a gate with a guard person to get into it. you have to book pretty well in advance though, but mid-January probably isn’t a peak time for visitors so give it a try :D.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great ideas. Yes I doubt January will be a booming time for visits :slight_smile: It just happens that we’re in the neighborhood.</p>

<p>The Four Seasons East Palo Alto is NOT right across the street from Stanford. It is at the other end of University Avenue, where University Avenue meets the 101 freeway.
The Westin and the Sheraton are right across the street from the Stanford campus, on El Camino Real.</p>

<p>Oh yeah you’re right. whoops. I always get the Westin logo and 4 Seasons logo mixed up for some reason.</p>