
<p>Any of the area hotels damaged by recent tornadoes? Thanks</p>

<p>I saw that Holiday Inn Express had a broken sign and I think a broken A/C unit. I saw something that looked like an A/C unit being replaced with a crane.</p>

<p>The damage to the hotel was minimal…very minimal.</p>

<p>The other hotels seemed to be rather unscathed since most weren’t on 15th Street which had most of the damage. </p>

<p>If you’re having trouble getting a room, it might be because FEMA and others are occupying a number of the rooms.</p>

<p>Just a word of caution: Confirm your reservations prior to arrival. Unfortunately, for us when we first arrived in Tuscaloosa last week, The Hotel Capstone lost our reservation. After speaking with a manager, the hotel clerk was finally able to get us into a room. All their rooms were booked but being held for insurance adjustors.</p>

<p>Considering that all the other hotels were fully booked, this could have been a huge problem after our long drive down from NY. So hang onto your paperwork and confirm your reservations a few days before arrival. (I did this as well). Hopefully, you will have no problems. All the hotels that I saw were up and running.</p>

<p>And, it’s a good idea to print out your reservation which will have your confirmation number. Or at least save the email confirmation so that you can access it if necessary by computer. </p>

<p>I had that happen once in another city. I went to the computer in the lobby (the one that is available for guest use), pulled up my email and printed it out.</p>

<p>Robotbldmom is right, confirm your reservation before arrival. I had a reservation for May 5th for original moveout, and when I went to cancel it online, I saw that it had been changed from my original reservation of a king bed, to a double, double, which I never get. I didn’t complain, since I was cancelling the room anyway, but I figured they must have made adjustments to make room for the relief works, insurance adjusters, and displaced families. I would not be surprised if other hotels are making adjustments to their reservations as well.</p>

<p>Funny thing is that I did find my original confirmation. I want to assume that since they spelled one letter in my name wrong that is the reason they could not find my reservation, however when I arrived I asked if there might have been a spelling mistake. I gave my address, phone number and email to the clerk but she assured me that I could not have had a reservation since they had no rooms available. I gave her my price quote and she said “no, we never charge that rate”. Guess they owe me money since my original confirmed rate was less than I was charged ( after the snafu).</p>

<p>What was the rate?</p>

<p>You need to send the manager a copy of your reservation and to let him know about their error and to do a cost adjustment. </p>

<p>they need to figure out why they could not pull up your reservation. </p>

<p>I don’t understand the mispelled name thing. Are you thinking that they were spelling your name wrong when trying to find your reservation? Or is your name spelled wrong on your paperwork with your reservation?</p>

<p>Did you use an online hotel site to make this reservation? Like If so, that is why the rate would be different. However, the employee should know that rates are different.</p>