Housing Advice for the class of 2011

<p>Hi everyone. What are your thoughts on this topic? We were able to register a Hokie SPA account without waiting. In looking at the housing contract and Options 1-4, it looks like there are only two dorms offering Option 2 and they are either all male or all female. All the others offer Option 3, which allows visitors of opposite sex to be in a room up until 2am every night, including week nights, where as it's until 12 midnight on week nights for Option 2. Question - if you want one of these dorms that only offers Option 3, do you think that most hard working kids would rather get some sleep by midnight, even if they are in an Option 3 dorm? I was surprised at how few options there are for quiet after midnight on weeknights - but maybe it's not much of an issue.</p>

<p>My impression is that the student will have to stand for their rights in having "company" out of the room by a certain time, hopefully mutually agreed upon with the roommate. One of the questions is about timing, as in a early riser, early to bed, or something very generally along those lines. </p>

<p>I do remember back in the day....for one semester I had a roommate who brought a guy in to sleep with her after I had already gone to sleep. So I woke up and there they were just going at it. I quickly got over my timidity when I turned on all the lights, threw the door open, and screamed for him to get the f*** out of my room. He looked pretty funny getting his clothes on in a hurry with an audience. I had NO problem getting a new roommate. BTW, this was after repeatedly being locked out of the room (in the middle of the day when I needed to get books), and overlong "note on the door" episodes. Sometimes you can reason with a roommate and sometimes you can't.</p>

<p>Weekends are one thing, but during the week, once the kids get settled into a routine, I'd be surprised if they don't get into a decent bedtime schedule.</p>

<p>I am cracking up here! - that is hysterical. I'm also realizing all the possibilities of new insights my D. will get to have. There should be a whole thread of roommate stories. (I was given a freshman roommate who somehow got into the discussion of pajamas with me. She told me she didn't believe in them. She asked if my father wore them and when I said yes, she told me that he was therefore certainly an Elitist. I also walked in one day when she was practicing yoga, standing on her head, nude. She left half-way through the year after falling in love with a guy she met who went to the Culinary Institute of America on a train and became engaged immediately - after a few visits to our room.) Darn, but I do wish my D. could be spared what you went through. Still, I guess we'll stick to the regular dorms. I'm afraid the all girls dorms have their own issues to deal with.</p>

<p>Just prepare your d for anything! My s has shared a room w/ his younger bro for years and has learned to tune anything out.</p>

<p>Until I finally got a single in college, I had a brazen European nyphomaniac for my roommate the 1st year who totally educated me (and picture me with my eyes popping out) the very first night at school with every single method of birth control on the planet ( she had 2 different guys almost every weekend, but she was respectful of hours and timing so couldn't fault her there), the inconsiderate one mentioned earlier for 1st sem/2nd year followed by an off her meds manic depressive who accused me of the strangest things (don't ask, but the dorm got a great laugh at least once a week), and then I had a great and wonderful like-minded roommate in my 3rd year who I didn't know before we roomed together (different majors) - for some reason I liked taking potluck with roommalte assignments and never wanted to live with a friend.</p>

<p>about the options thing- unless you get the strictest option, it wont really matter. No ones going to come knocking on your door at 2AM and forcing all the opposite sex to leave. </p>

<p>Girls,- If you end up in Johnson, and Guy first 2 floors of AJ ( I think) they are pretty strict in those dorms. All the rest are relaxed. It really deends on the RA</p>

<p>Thanks. Just surprised at how few options there are for Option 2. People must be basically considerate, I would hope.</p>