So I was just completing the housing application and had a few questions:
There was a section on RLCs where I could list them in the order of my preference.
If I have been accepted to the Honors Program, then is it mandatory for me to put this down as my first choice?
Given that I put it down as my first choice, will I definitely get it?
Thank you!
It was not mandatory for you to put Wall as your first choice, but IF you should choose to opt in to the Honors Program by signing up for “Honors TIDES” course, you will be expected to still participate in Wall Society activities, in addition to whatever focus your RLC has. I really don’t expect that will be a burden at all, and in fact could be really excellent and enhance your Tulane experience. If you want to reorder your preferences, call housing and tell them, although I think that once they have the information ready you will be able to go online yourself and make changes. They don’t actually assign the housing until July, if I understand the process correctly.
I ssee, thank you! I’d love to live in Wall but was just curious.
so if i am an honours sudent, and i putt down wall as my first choice, would I be guranteed housing in wall?
That is my understanding.
@fallenchemist Hello, sorry for grabbing you again. Last question on this I promise! So if I am guranteed housing in Wall as an honors student, is there any point in me filling out the questions for all other RLCs?
So @falllenchemist, if I understand you correctly, if I am in the Honors program, but not living in Wall, I still will be expected to participate in their activities? Thank you so much for all of your help.
Wall is now the Honors Residential Learning Communities, I would check wiht Housing and Res. Life to be sure you don’t have to fill out the application.