<p>I lived in Forest on a regular floor this year. It was an ok experience. I planned on moving into a house my friend's parents bought here where I'd only be paying 250-280 a month in rent, which is obviously very nice. Thing is, I'm kinda having a falling out with that group of friends. My "best friend" that I would be sharing a room with has started drinking/smoking pot a LOT more often than she ever used to and it makes me a little uncomfortable. I think I might be better off going somewhere else - but I don't know what's the most affordable option.</p>
<p>I was thinking about trying the Residence Scholars program, but I don't know much about it other than you have to do some janitorial work and it's cheaper... Does anyone have experience with this? I do want a floor with like-minded, intelligent people, but I don't want the floor to be socially dead, either. An Honors Floor also sounds like a possible option. Which dorms have these programs? </p>
<p>It's late to apply for housing but I called and supposedly still have time, but I'm not sure if those options will be open to me.</p>
<p>Just looking for some advice -- would you:
1. Live with the friends because it's cheap even if it might not be wholly pleasant.
2. Do Residence Scholars
3. Live on an Honors Floor
4. Try to find an affordable apartment this late (which I think would probably be impossible)</p>