<p>So I was recently admitted to UF (yay!) but unfortunately I filled out my housing application sometime in January. </p>
<p>I would prefer a traditional style dorm with a bathroom shared with four people. I know Lakeside isnt community style and that it is far, is this still an issue if I'm bringing a car? I also know the Springs arent community style but I heard they are hard to get into.</p>
<p>What are my options since I'm probably going to be one of the last people to choose a dorm? If I pick a roommate who applied earlier than me, can I just latch on to her?</p>
<p>Beaty towers look pretty good
You share the bathroom with 4 people but the rooms can be somewhat small
I’ve read that if you find someone with an earlier selection date they can reserve a spot for you :D</p>
<p>Beaty is probably what your’re looking for. I toured housing when I went last weekend (I’m accepted now) and the rooms in Beaty were tiny, but having a private bathroom makes up for it. I’ve read Springs is hard to get into as well for freshmen, but I didn’t like how far those dorms were from classes and food. (My friend who lives in Springs now says to use the bus and to take advantage of the kitchen). Good luck though! I’m hoping to live in the renovated dorms in Broward (with Jennings and Beaty as my other two choices on my contract). </p>