Housing option for upperclassmen on housing scholarship

<p>*Guess the main concern of Beth’s Mom, myself and others here is that non-NMF honors students wishing to stay on campus after freshman year are no longer guaranteed a spot. *</p>

<p>Returning non-NMF students were NEVER guaranteed a housing spot. That would have been an impossible promise to make. Bama only has about 7500 beds…they never would have made such a guarantee. Bama needs 5000+ just for frosh…plus the housing scholarship students. There’s no way Bama would have made such a promise.</p>

<p>* This was definitely a question asked prior to enrollment for many, (it was for us) and if the answer has now changed it’s a whole different ballgame. For lack of a nicer term it’s bait and switch. Doesn’t mean UA is doing anything malicious, just seems like the new facts*</p>

<p>Not new facts nor a “bait and switch” since it was never a guarantee. If you can find anything in Bama housing literature that stated such a guarantee, I’d like to see it.</p>

<p>Frequently, people have said that those who have wanted to stay on campus seem to be able to…but that’s not a guarantee of any sort.</p>

<p>^ and that’s the rub, we asked directly and clearly at the parents session at BamaBound about this issue, were told that anyone who has wanted to stay on campus has been able to, but of course that is not a guarantee is it?
It is though, different from other schools when we were told that it is unlikely that upperclassmen will get housing.
So it’s implied that it won’t be an issue… that is undeniable… seriously otherwise why would everyone get so excited about the awesome honors housing if only for one year?
Guess time will tell.</p>

<p>*we asked directly and clearly at the parents session at BamaBound about this issue, were told that anyone who has wanted to stay on campus has been able to, but of course that is not a guarantee is it?

<p>I don’t know who (vaguely) answered that question, but if it was at Bama Bound, then it certainly wasn’t “bait and switch” since at that point the student has long chosen to attend Bama. </p>

<p>The person may have been speaking only from what have been anecdotally experienced up to that point…that those who’ve wanted to stay have been accomodated. that’s not a guarantee, it’s just mentioning what’s been going on up to that point. </p>

<p>*So it’s implied that it won’t be an issue… that is undeniable… *</p>

<p>All we know is that it was implied at your BB - which again was after college selection…and we don’t know who said that…a student??? a parent-speaker??? We really don’t know the context or what was exactly asked or said in response. The question may have been something along the lines of: “My child would like to be in the honors dorms for sophomore year. Will that be a problem?” And, the answer may have been something like: “We’ve been able to accomodate those who’ve wanted to return for sophomore year.” That’s not a promise, and again, since it happened at BB, it didn’t affect anyone’s decision to attend.</p>

<p>We don’t know if Bama employees were routinely saying this throughout the app process. I’ve been to MANY Bama campus tours and to a couple of BBs…and I’ve never been told that returning students are assured of on-campus housing. It just wouldn’t “add up” numbers-wise.</p>

<p>And, we really don’t know what’s going to happen. We don’t know how many NMFs were staying in The Bluff. maybe the number was so low that they can easily be accomodated in on campus honors.</p>

<p>*seriously otherwise why would everyone get so excited about the awesome honors housing if only for one year?

<p>nearly all schools do this. Heck, Auburn does it with their honors Villages and yet they only have 298 honors beds in The Villages…so obviously not even all the frosh or NMFs who want to be there can be there.</p>

<p>My D is getting the Presidential Scholarship; she’s not NMF and will not have a housing scholarship. We understand that there is no guarantee beyond freshman year; however, to date it seems that students who applied for housing on time have been able to get honors housing as sophomores, so that’s what we’ve been banking on. My D would have no interest in going to the Bluff (she likes the idea of being on campus and not having to commute). The significance of the Bluff is just that every NMF upperclassman with a housing scholarship who went to the Bluff wasn’t using an honors room on campus, thus potentially making those rooms available for non-NMF upperclassmen who wanted them. I think in a close call situation, availability of on-campus housing beyond freshman year CAN make a difference (I know it did to me way back when).</p>

<p>The on-campus housing situation has changed over the past few years. For perspective, it used to be said that one could get honors housing no matter how late one deposited. Almost two years ago, some incoming freshman (current sophomores) found that due to their late deposit time, there was no honors housing available by the time their selection time came around. They were later able to get honors housing once some students decided not to attend UA, but it was a frantic situation. Last year, housing only decided to make Ridgecrest South-North Tower all-honors after many students had already selected their rooms. </p>

<p>I’m still on the fence about living on campus next year. I appreciate the convenience of living on campus as I don’t need to bring a car and am a 6-15 minute walk from all of my classes. While some off-campus complexes have a shuttle, I usually need to be on campus when the shuttle is not operating. There are houses and apartment complexes near campus, but I haven’t researched them very much or figured out the logistics of finding roommates, negotiating rent, etc. It would be fun to live in a big house with a bunch of friends.</p>

<p>I’ve had freshman roommates during my last two years as a non-first year student and while there have been no problems, it would be nice to live with more upperclassmen. While age is often just a number, there are still some slight cultural differences between 17-18 year old freshmen and 21-22 year old seniors.</p>

<p>It is worth noting that Housing has not released its plans for the new North Bluff residence hall. It’d be nice to see a final list of what residence halls will be open to which student groups for the 2012-2013 school year by the end of this semester, but such a list isn’t likely to be available until March or April 2012.</p>

<p>Many residence halls have spare rooms available to accommodate overflow and/or other unplanned situations in which the demand for housing is greater than predicted. Rose Towers has extra rooms that are used as break housing and other short-term needs. Remember too that on-campus housing is running 97-99% capacity, so there are some empty rooms somewhere that are not used for overflow (overflow rooms are not included in occupancy rates).</p>

<p>Finally, on-campus housing has the benefit of not requiring a 12 or 24-month lease, which is beneficial for those with summer plans that involve working/studying/spending significant amounts of time in areas which are not an easy commute to/from Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>*I think in a close call situation, availability of on-campus housing beyond freshman year CAN make a difference (I know it did to me way back when). *</p>

<p>Agreed 100%
I misspoke when i said it was at BamaBound, it was during the Nov. UA Days, and I now bow out of this conversation until we hear more on the situation. </p>

<p>I love UA, my son loves his choice. That said the inability to raise and discuss even the most minor issues with UA without being refuted on this board is tiresome to say the least.</p>

<p>Not to open a can of worms, but how does Auburn handle the kids with housing scholarships?</p>

<p>I’ve heard they are no longer as generous with their scholarships as they were in the past, but surely, they had kids with housing scholarships as well. They gave the impression that there was very limited housing, so I wonder where the kids with housing scholarships wind up living after freshman year and who foots the bill?</p>

<p>my daughter was one of the freshman last year that ended up on the waiting list. we were able to get it resolved with just an email. not sure what position she will be in this year.</p>

<p>Auburn’s housing scholarships are for a set amount of money which can be used off-campus…4700 per year. Their housing scholarship does NOT cover the cost of their Super Suites…there is an upcharge if you want a super suite.</p>

<p>* it used to be said that one could get honors housing no matter how late one deposited.*</p>

<p>Right. that’s why people used to think that if you wanted to stay on campus for multiple years, it was easily possible. When Lakeside opened, Riverside had so many openings that transfer students could get those beds.</p>

<p>I really don’t think it’s going to be a huge problem. Riverside has been letting non-honors kids take suites in north building. If necessary, the school could always make more of Ridgecrest South as “honors”…right now only half of it is.</p>

<p>My son lives in Riverside North. He recently received an email saying Honors Housing was increasing next year. The email says all of Riverside North will be honors next year. Lakeside East, Ridgecrest East and Ridgecrest South will have non honors housing. The new dorm may have some non honors housings, as space permits. (I’m sorry I couldn’t cut and paste the email…typing on my iPad and couldn’t get it to cooperate this morning.)</p>

<p>If the new dorm will have some/many honors beds, then that is an increase as well. Rose Towers, which it is replacing, wasn’t honors at all. </p>

<p>If the new dorm has honors beds, then there’s little reason to keep The Bluff at all.</p>

<p>Okay, I cut to the chase this morning and directly called housing :)</p>

<p>I know I was told (reliable source) that The Bluffs would not be available in 2012 BUT housing told me that they are still planning to have it available for Fall 2012. Who knows?</p>

<p>I asked if the new residence hall would be all honors, all freshmen, or mixed, I was told that it is currently undesignated.</p>

<p>I asked if The North Bluff (new resident hall) would be opened for Fall 2012, I was told that it is scheduled to be opened then.</p>

<p>I asked if it was suite style housing and the answer is yes.</p>

<p>I guess that this year will be a little unsure till the new residence housing is completed and designated. The Bluffs seem to be available but I still believe that final decisions are not yet completed. I suppose that when housing registration opens up we will see which options are really available.</p>

<p>Hope this info helps.</p>

<p>Well done, robotbldmom. Helpful information.</p>

<p>Based upon all our interactions with UA, we have never been under the impression (implied or otherwise) that Honors Housing has been guaranteed for all four years for those not on housing scholarship. In fact, the numbers simply don’t support such a position. Yes, it appears supply has kept up with demand for those wanting Honors Housing, but that is not a guarantee.</p>

<p>Whether this trend will continue into the Fall of 2012 is unclear at the moment. It appears the school is taking steps to keep supply in step with demand such as making all of Riverside Honors and all floors of RCS North Tower Honors. It would be helpful if The Bluffs continue to be available for those on housing scholarship, but it appears there is some conflicting information on this point. It will also be interesting to see how The North Bluff will be designated and whether they can meet an aggressive completion schedule of Fall 2012.</p>

<p>It looks like it is a bit of a guessing game at this point that will not truly be resolved until February 1 at the earliest and perhaps much later if one is put on a waiting list. It certainly creates some anxiety for this helicopter parent who would like to have things wrapped up well in advance of February 1. Basically, we are prepared to wait it out, but have a couple of off campus back-up plans in place.</p>

<p>Where did the story come from that the Bluff would not be available? </p>

<p>Do we know if the real issue is that it will be available, but not a free offer to those on housing scholarships?</p>

<p>This email message was sent out to your student today:</p>

<p>Housing and Residential Communities will host an online presentation regarding recontracting for campus housing for 2012/2013 on Monday, December 5, from 7:00-8:00 pm Central Standard Time. This interactive presentation will provide valuable information about the recontracting process, as well as allowing you to ask questions of HRC staff. To participate in this presentation, on December 5th at 7 pm Central Standard Time, click on this link: [cgi.pl</a> - perl scripts cgi code Resources and Information. This website is for sale!](<a href=“http://uaonline.wimba.com/launcher.cgi?room=Recontracting_Information_Session]cgi.pl”>http://uaonline.wimba.com/launcher.cgi?room=Recontracting_Information_Session).</p>

<p>You must have the pop-up blocker feature disabled on your Web browser in order to get to the login screen. There is no password required for this presentation. Simply enter your name in the “Participant Login” box. The room will be closed until just before 7:00 pm. If you try to enter the room too early you will be placed in a lobby room. If you see the message “You have entered the lobby” it means that you clicked on the link before the room was opened. If this happens, look for the name of the room (UA HRC Recontracting Information Session) in the room list and click the link, or exit the lobby room and click the link above again to join the room.</p>

<p>As a reminder, the deadline to apply for housing for 2012/2013 is February 1, 2012. No deposit or housing contract is due with the initial application; this application simply indicates an interest in receiving on-campus housing. Demand for housing may exceed available space, and in that case, all interested students may not receive campus housing. Those who will receive housing will be notified by e-mail in early February, and the $250.00 deposit ($25.00 application fee and $225.00 prepayment) will be due at that time. </p>

<p>In order to make an informed choice about housing for next year, please visit the HRC web site at [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu%5DStudent”>http://housing.ua.edu) and click on “Recontracting.” If you are interested in learning more about off-campus housing, you will find useful information on the HRC web site, and the next Off-Campus Housing Fair will take place on January 25th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Ferguson Center. </p>

<p>Housing and Residential Communities</p>

<p>^^^^Thanks for that info :)</p>

<p>I dont mean to complicate or confuse the situation any further. But on 11/16 my son received an email from housing that pretty clearly says that anyone in Honors Housing this year will be able to stay in campus housing next year. Here is the content of the email (bolding is my emphasis). My S is in Honors, no NMF Scholarship however.</p>

Due to growth in the Honors College, Honors Housing will be increasing for the next academic year. I am writing today to inform you that beginning in Fall 2012, all of the north tower of Ridgecrest South will become a part of Honors Housing in its entirely. </p>

<p>Students who are not in the Honors College will have the option to relocate to Lakeside East, Ridgecrest East, Ridgecrest South south tower, or the new residence hall under construction, as space allows. Each of these options will be available to you during online room selection, space permitting. Honors College participants may remain in the north tower, relocate to another honors housing option, or select a space in a non-honors residence hall.</p>

<p>If you wish to return to campus housing in the fall, you must complete the online housing application before February 1. Demand for space may exceed space available on campus, and it is possible that not every student who wishes to return to campus housing will be able to do so. **Students with housing scholarships and those who are in the Honors College, and are living in Honors Housing or another living-learning community, will not be removed from the recontracting process and will receive campus housing, as long as they meet every HRC housing application deadline. **</p>

<p>For more information about recontracting, please visit the HRC web site at housing.ua.edu.

<p>Although the wording is awkward, it literally says that all Honors College students who are living in Honors Housing will get campus housing next year.</p>

<p>Thanks Wake, think that makes this pretty clear as a promise for housing, maybe not a particular selection, but something on campus.</p>

<p>I appreciate hearing this as well. Thank you.</p>

<p>* I am writing today to inform you that beginning in Fall 2012, all of the north tower of Ridgecrest South will become a part of Honors Housing in its entirely. </p>

<p>Students who are not in the Honors College will have the option to relocate to Lakeside East, Ridgecrest East, Ridgecrest South south tower, or the new residence hall under construction, as space allows.*</p>

<p>Bama will always have the future option of making more of the new hall honors or even making some or the entire RSNT as honors. </p>

<p>how many beds are in Rose Towers? How many beds will be the new hall? I don’t think Rose was fully occupied based on its ability to move in people right after the tornado.</p>