Housing Portal?

My son is looking for roomates and is not able to view the roomate profiles; Under the application tab, this is the screen that he sees:

Select the term below, and then click on “Save & Continue” to access your housing application for the term you are selecting:

0 Spring Only 2015
 Application Started Application Started: 3/1/2015 12:43:00 PM
Not Complete

It listed the Fall 2015 option before, is there something that we should be aware of?. He should be able to view possible roomates until May right? The housing deposit was made on 10/1/2014 and we have confirmation of this as well. Any ideas as to what is going on?

We are having the same problem.

Please email us at housing@sa.ua.edu so we can find out what’s going on with your student account.


My son’s portal says the same thing. I will call tomorrow. We paid his housing deposit on Oct 1 and have always had the Fall 2015 option until now.

Same problem here.

Yes, we had the same issue come up last Thursday, and I was concerned because I did not want my son to head in to the weekend without being able to contact potential roommates. He contacted Housing immediately and access to the roommate finder did come back up on Friday, but since your reports of others dealing with the same issue, that may be why he has not heard back from some who had contacted him.

Now we have a new issue: his main page is now showing him as not part of the Honors College, when he is part of the Honors College. So with less than 24 hours before he gets the opportunity to keep his current room, if he wants it, I don’t know what impact this new glitch will have. Especially since I believe he wants to explore getting a room in a different Honors building. And if others cannot get in, then it makes it hard to accept roommates (which my son has to be able to do by the end of today in order to pull any in to his new suite.)

So, I am getting the feeling that, even if they get all the glitches worked out, that he will be spending his sophomore year in Honors Housing with a round of randomly selected roommates - not ideal at least to me. I wanted him to be able pull in at least one or two roommates he had spoken with already. But oh well. Hopefully no frat brothers - no offense intended to frat brothers, but the feeling would be mutual, so fingers crossed. And hopefully he won’t be the sophomore in a room of three other freshman from the same high school. If it’s going to be random, let it be totally random, with all four of the roomies total strangers to each other.

Anyway, hope everyone’s issues get cleared up quickly.

We hope to have this issue fixed very quickly. I’ll post again when the data issue has been resolved.

Thanks for your patience,

Please try your housing applications again.

Thanks again for your patience!!!

Thanks so much to UA Housing for being so responsive. My son had a great experience with getting responses to his issues, and everything was cleared up. He’s looking forward to picking a new suite in a few days. Thanks so much!