Housing question - How many people per time slot?

<p>OK. It seems from the posts that getting into the dorm a kid wants may be a problem. Mostly for those of us who do not have a “good” time slot. My son’s time slot is April 4th at 8:00 pm. </p>

<p>Can anyone give me an idea how many time slots there are each day and how many kids have each time slot? It looks like they start at 6:00 pm? on April 2nd and go every 15 minutes until when? They start back up on April 4th?</p>

<p>I’m trying to get a realistic picture of how difficult it’s going to be to get a room in the honors dorms when my son’s time slot comes up.

<p>at least you have a time slot :/</p>

<p>My son also has April 4. Two years ago my oldest son had no trouble getting a spot for 2 in Riverside West during the last time slot. It could be difficult for those looking for an entire suite (4).</p>

I anticipate that there will be many spaces throughout campus housing open on April 4, which is the second night of room selection. It’s very difficult to determine exactly how many spaces will fill up before your student’s, as not every student who is assigned a time slot will actually pick a room, and some students will pull in roomates. However, our experience is that there will be space thoughout our residence halls open on the second night of room selection. I would encourage your student, however, to have a couple of options in mind, just in case the first choice is not available.</p>

<p>Alicia Browne</p>

<p>I agree with brownzebra. At least you HAVE a time slot. We had NO IDEA that January 1 was some sort of “deadline” for getting assigned a time slot for housing and that there were any kind of worries about Honors housing shortages/selection. Our son has only received a bazillion postcards from UA and none addressed this housing “deadline” and pulling people in, etc. Nothing in his scholarship letter about it, nothing on the freshman checklist about it. Kudos to the parents/students who got on the UA website and figured this out earlier. My husband and I are both alums of UA and knew nothing about this housing process change. My son DID get an email (1-20-13) to his crimson account (which he recently found out he even had an email account already without registering as a student - but that is another story) which tells about the 1-1-13 online slot assigning deadline. Really would have been nice to have that information in our acceptance letter, scholarship letter, honors college letter or postcards well prior to 1-1-13!</p>

<p>MystifiedMom, has your son attended any of the housing chat sessions? The info has been out for a while regarding housing.</p>

<p>MystifiedMom - I think I found out on CC I’m not sure. Does your son know anyone that is going? Maybe they can pull him in.</p>

<p>Hi. No - he has not attended housing “chat” sessions. Frankly, of the 6 schools he applied to, this seems to be the only one where housing is rushed. We are in state - we had no recruiter let us know about the housing changes - and we most definitely found out on CC this week. I am sure - on the UA website - the information was posted. But, you know, we really felt like Alabama was a “known” with both parents attending UA - and did not realize the housing process changed from last year when some of his friends went on NM scholarships and were not carefully reviewing the website for housing this early. Thank you SO much for this site. I feel like without it - I may need to change my user name to CluelessMom!</p>

<p>Welcome to this forum. It must be an exciting prospect to have your son choose UA, congrats!
Housing selection has changed a bit this year since there are more students enrolling. Is he in the Honors College? Is he a NMF?</p>

<p>All freshmen are guaranteed housing so he will have a spot. The rush for housing is so that students can get an early selection time, and get their preferred housing options. However, there are so many good options, that I would not be too concerned, as long as he is a little flexible about choices. </p>

<p>Remind him to check his Crimson email account frequently, that is the main way to receive communication. If he is busy with senior year activities, volunteer to keep tabs on it for him.</p>

<p>There are facebook groups he can join to try and find roommates. A roommate with an earlier “pick” time than him could pull him into a suite.</p>

<p>One tip that has helped us - you can have his Crimson account forwarded to his regular e-mail address. That way he doesn’t have to remember to keep checking it.</p>

<p>robotbldmom - thank you for the welcome. It is very exciting as an alum to see the growth and progress at UA. Yes - he was accepted into the Honors college in November when he submitted his application and additional scholarship information. Yes, he is a NMSF. He definitely wants to be in honors housing with honors/scholarship students if he attends UA. He is an easy going fella and not picky - but definitely would like to be in a housing situation where his roommates are like minded in study habits, etc. He does not even find out his NMF status until February. He has a lot of college options with acceptances and scholarship offers: UGA, UNC, UVA and has two other schools he also applied RD and will not hear until March - which is when he planned to make his final choice after weighing his options. It is very frustrating that the lack of communication about this housing change has caused such anxiety. And the pulling people up (IMO) is not right. That means if the first 500 “slots” all pull up 3 people then all 1500 beds in the honors dorms will be taken. It seems to me they should allow each person to choose in the order applied and do a better job of communicating this process to all admitted students. Thanks for the email, tip lisa6191. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>I would be really surprised if most students have found roommates. There are always posts from parents indicating that their students have not connected via Facebook or otherwise with other students. Some students do find roommates before thir pick time and date, but I would venture to say that most students do not have a suite of four established before their time slot. As others have said there will be spaces available, perhaps not in his first preference. It is much easier if you are only looking for one space, and are flexible about which building. As I said, he is guaranteed housing. Some students want to live in the brand new Presidential Village building (phase one). Some upperclassmen might choose to live in that building because it is their last year on campus or because they don’t care if they remain in honors housing. When the second phase of Presidential Village opens with the new rec center and food venue, I am sure that students will be flocking there to live. It will be a nice setup. Who knows, maybe they will designte that as honors housing in the future. It seems like the newer buildings get that designation. Phase two is scheduled to open in fall 2015. The structural supports are already going up for that building.</p>

<p>Don’t worry.</p>

<p>I’m a future student in fairly the same position as MystifiedMom’s son. I am a NMSF and I had many other potential colleges I was looking at, so i hadn’t taken the time to check dates for housing priority. I have however been proactive in meeting roommates. I am honors so I definitely wanted honors housing, but given my non-existent pick time this is proving difficult. I have 3 potential roommates however in presidential who are going to pull me into their room in April. I would suggest your son go this route. Since you can’t use roommate finder unless you have paid your housing deposit, I suggest joining the UA17 group on facebook to meet potentials or beginning a follow train on twitter to meet new people who might be interested. Most girls have already determined roommates but hardly any of the boys i have met have even begun to look so I wouldn’t worry about it so much unless honors housing is a major concern of his. I recently toured and all of the residence halls are extremely nice, even non-honors. I hope this sheds some light on a student perspective. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Just a heads up, JacobiJanel - Presidential is not Honors Housing. If you would like to participate in Honors Housing, you’ll be looking at the Ridgecrest Community.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!

<p>Thanks to those who PM me as well as thread posts. I do not have enough posts to PM back - but did want to thank you. Good plan, JacobiJanel. Son does have some friends who also applied UA and are NMSF but are undecided. Not sure if any made the 1/1 deadline - but guess we will see closer to 4/1 when all offers/choices are known. All the UA housing IS very nice - especially the apartments with the pool! Wish that was there when I attended!!! but he definitely wants to live in honors dorms if he chooses UA. TXDad - I was saying the same thing last night about co-ed floors if it was a D instead of a S attending. But, hopefully she will end up near the boys on this thread because they all seem like gentlemen!</p>

<p>Thanks UAhousing (Janine), I decided that honors housing wasn’t as important to me as having roommates I feel comfortable with and that I am compatible with. If i were to go the honors route I would most definitely be placed randomly with complete strangers but by opening myself up to some non-honors options I can room with people I feel comfortable with and still live in a great dorm. Thanks again though!</p>