Housing questions (RE: Vaccines and Substance free floors)

<p>Does everyone sign up for Substance free floors? Of course, I do not partake, but I'm not sure that I want to be inhibited from a desired room, because I sign.</p>

<p>Is it important to get the hep. B and Meningitis vaccine? Does everyone get this vaccine before placing the deposit?</p>

<p>Not everyone signs up for substance free flooring. By definition, because almost all the students in the freshman dorms are under age, alcohol is not allowed in the dorm rooms. However, substance free floors are specific floors where students sign a pledge that they will remain substance free. Typically students will request a substance free floor if they are worried about rowdy floor mates or people coming back drunk from parties and making noise late at night. You are not required to sign up for substance free floors. I don’t live on one and have never had any trouble with illicit substances. Most people respect the decisions of others so you probably wont have trouble either way.</p>

<p>As for vaccines, I would recommend you listen to your doctor’s recommendations.</p>

<p>If you don’t want to risk being on a rowdy floor and you are not into “party people,” I would recommend signing up for a substance-free floor. My DS loves UM, but not his floor. They are too crazy, even during the week. He has plenty of friends, just not on his floor.</p>

<p>Only positive things to say about the sub-free experience with both of my kids…fun people to hang with and a bit quieter than the non-sub floors…still really a fun group of friends</p>

<p>Even if all you do the rest of your life is hang out at home and play video games you should still get the vaccines. </p>

<p>My son also signed up for the sub-free floor. He has greatly enjoyed his experience, and they do appear to be much quieter. He’s made some good friends who appear to be well-rounded, not the stereotype that some would think. It was interesting though that during Family Weekend when I asked the housing people about the number of substance-free floors, they told me ALL their floors are substance-free, as underage drinking and illegal-drug use are not allowed. :)</p>