Housing Roommates

I have already found a roommate and we have accepted each other as roommates. However, we are both Honors and want Honors suite style housing with 2 other people, the housing portal tells both of us that we have reached the maximum amount of roommates. How can we get 2 more roommates because we do want a 4 bedroom suite style. Any if would be great, thanks, and Roll Tide!

First of all, ROLL TIDE!!

Anyway, I think it may be a system error. You can send an email to housing asking this. I had no problem forming a 4-people room last year, so I think it’s just a matter of systematic error.


Actually, it appears that’s a change this year. I attended a webinar on housing just last week and this came up. They’re limiting incoming freshmen to one confirmed roommate, even when planning to live in four-person suites. My daughter is in the same boat. She and her roommate are going to try to find two others and just choose the same room when room selection opens in the spring, but there are no guarantees.

That’s my understanding of the situation right now, but I’d encourage you to email housing to confirm. If you find anything different, please reply to set me straight.

I don’t know for sure the reasons for this change, but I welcome it. I have always thought it very unfairly generous for UA to allow 1 person to pull in up to 3 others (all of whom may not have met the same priority deadline for applying as those other students who don’t get pulled in or who don’t choose to pull others in).

A fair system that states housing selection dates are based on housing application dates, on a first-come, first-served basis, should follow that system, full stop. Students who have late® application dates should not be put ahead (via ‘pulling in’) of students who legit applied ahead of them. Students and their families have been taking advantage of this pulling-in loop-hole for far too long. As on-campus housing has become tighter in terms of availability, it pays to get your own deposits in as soon as you can, and not reply on another student to pull you in.

Thank you for the responses! I did contact housing to confirm this information, which they did. @ohdad33 Good luck to your daughter as well, it seems that her and I are also in the same boat of non-rushing!