Hecht or Stanford??

<p>Which is better? Filling out my housing application, would love some opinions! Thanks :)!</p>

<p>I haven’t paid my deposit yet. Does the housing application have its own fee?</p>

<p>No extra fee for housing application, just the deposit.</p>

<p>The reputation is that Hecht is more of a party dorm and Stanford is more of a study dorm. </p>

<p>(This is a generalization, of course. Many argue this perception.)</p>

<p>The rooms are IDENTICAL.</p>

<p>Hecht’s lobby is nicer. </p>

<p>Stanford has the four substance free floors and the music practice rooms.</p>

<p>Stanford has a covered walkway to the dining hall so you don’t get wet when it is pouring outside.</p>

<p>It really doesn’t matter. I lived in Stanford but many close friends lived in Hecht so I spent a lot of time in both. Hecht has nicer lobbies and is more competitive when it comes to competitions on campus like Sportsfest. Stanford people are a bit more chill but in the end it really doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>So the sis goes here. Ditto on what was said before. Hot girls, lots of drinking, social scene, etc. see Hecht. All the kids who seemed to do relatively well in hs and who turned out to be relatively nerdy were in Stanford. UM does it on purpose. To be honest, if you really want to do well first year, move to the upperclassmen dorms in Mahoney and Eaton. The freshmen dorms were tiny as crap, had community showers that never had hot water, and were always always always loud. At least this is what I heard from my sister.</p>

<p>I disagree with you legendary. The nice thing about living in Towers is that it is easy to meet people and there is a lot of floor camaraderie which you don’t really have as much in Mahoney, Pearson, and Eaton. The community bathrooms really aren’t too bad and the showers had great water pressure. The volume of the floor depends on the people and some floors are known to be louder, some quieter. A floor most of my guy friends lived on was decently loud; we played a makeshift game of bowling in the hallway, frisbee, etc. My floor was quieter but it really just depends.</p>

<p>The reputations of the towers are stupid, plenty of people party in Stanford, plenty of people study in Hecht. Hecht has a much nicer lobby and much nicer elevators. This may seem dumb, but whenever I hung out in my friend’s room in Stanford freshman year I would legit be afraid to be in the elevator alone late at night cause they feel like they can break at any second. Also, Hecht wins Sportsfest every year and that’s just lots of fun. I loved living in Hecht. They’re really pretty much the same though.</p>

<p>P.S. I love how when I came in in 06 they said they were remodeling Stanford to look like Hecht in the next year or two and 4 years later it still looks the same.</p>