
<p>My daughter has applied for the public dorms. I guess we will know the assignment in a few days from now. Meanwhile yesterday, she expressed some interest in staying in the private dorms on state street. So I called the statesider this morning and was told that if one has signed up for Public housing then you have to take it or pay the full year's rent anyway. So now if she decides that she wants to stay at the towers we are in quite a difficult situation. I was under the impression that one could drop out of the public dorms with just losing the $250 deposit.</p>

<p>I think you are correct. You might even get the deposit back as they can easily backfill the space.</p>

<p>When will we know of the assignment and how?</p>

<p>They should be coming out soon.</p>

<p>You do not get the deposit back if you decide to go private dorms. Actually, going private dorms is the only way to entirely lose your deposit.</p>

<p>No no, I dont care about losing the 250 deposit. Now they are telling me that it is too late to withdraw from public dorms and if my daughter did go to the private dorms I would still have to pay for the entire year for the public dorm too. Look up the rules in the contract book. It says very clearly that you are responsible for 85% of the contracted fee which would come out to just over 4,200. So if you signed up for public dorms you are stuck.........</p>

<p>Yea thats right i did read the contract, infact such clauses are there in every universities housing contract, if you do not cancel before a specified time u need to pay a compensation. I had to remove my housing contracts from universities i wasnt sure of attending because of such clauses.</p>