
<p>I know this issue has been brought up a few times, but I've a different question since i'd e coming in the spring. I'm currently out of town and will probably come to Madison (for the first time) on the 13th+ of January. I'm new to Madison. i know we start on the 20th. I was wondering if 1 week is enough to look for an apartment. I have checked the housing on the Wisconsin site and craigslist. Found a couple which are alright, however, it would feel much better if I see it in person not to mention I don't know what location i should be focusing on which is close to campus. So in a nutshell, is 5 - 7 days enough time to find an apt and what specific location is good (name of the building, or the area, or the city etc.)</p>

<p>p.s. I dont want dorms. </p>

<p>thnx in advance</p>

<p>hi glitchy,</p>

<p>by Wisconsin site, do you mean the Marketplace in Facebook? If you haven't checked it there yet, I will suggest you to do so. Tons of people are looking for subletting their places there. 5 - 7 days is more than enough, I guess. 3, I say, will be just fine. Have you found a place to stay for those early days you're gonna be in Madison? Speaking of specific location, I can help you over here if you have more specific questions or preferences.</p>

<p>By Wisconsin site I mean the official Welcome</a> to the UW-Madison Division of University Housing Home Page
For the early days i'd probably be staying in a motel. I'll probably check out the market place on facebook, even though I don't know how; if you can provide me with the link i'd appreciate. I don't have a specific location, as long as it's close enough to campus. 15 min walk or 5 min drive i guess.</p>

<p>So correct me if i'm wrong, but you're a transfer student looking for a sublet for the spring semester off-campus but close. Am I right?</p>

<p>Check out uwsublets.com and badgerapartments.com. Tons of people need to get somebody to take over their leases for the spring semester. You'll find really discounted apartments. Don't wait to get here, arrange meetings with people now for when you come so you can take care of it right away.</p>

<p>Also- don't plan on using a car on campus. The available parking is way on the west end of campus- nothing close to any buildings. Parking at apartments near campus is usually very expensive, if available now. Students can get a free city bus pass and anyone can use the campus busses for free. If you know anyone who is already in a Madison apt, such as old HS classmates, try to stay with them while you search. It can take 15 minutes to walk from one end of campus to another, consider which end of campus you have most of your classes at. You can do Google aerial and street views to check out places. Good luck.</p>

<p>MNBadger: You got it right on the spot. Thank you, I'll be checking out the sites you gave me, and hopefully will find something which suits me.
edit: just checked uwsublets.com, people subleasing are mostly subleasing rooms and not full 1br apts - which is what i'm looking for.</p>

<p>wis75: wow, i'm pretty disappointed in not being able to use my car efficiently on campus, the fact that no parking is close to any buildings, especially in the winter. Thanks for the heads up.</p>

<p>Definitely a noncar culture campus. The campus is the center of everything in Madison, especially for college students. Use your feet, a bicycle or moped to get around campus- walking lets you take shortcuts and probably best in winter. Buses work for shopping- I did it eons ago (in another city) and walked to Hilldale once so I know about getting around without a car. Except for groceries (to go to a large store) you don't need to leave the campus area at all.</p>